About South Korea's disaster

Of course I feel saddened, it reminds me of my senior. Things like that always reminds me of my senior, the plane, the sinking, I can't comment anymore. 


It's sad that there are people who think lightly of this incident. I used to think lightly of such disasters until the thing with my senior happened. And it happened months ago but I can't stop thinking of her. I do not want to talk about it for fear that people will misinterpret and spread rumours, but it's just too much to bear. 


I still remember my father's comments, it was so insensitive. I feel bad for making insensitive comments about the plane, because when I started thinking about my senior, that's when I realize what I have done. Because I can't mention any disaster without thinking about my senior. 


So it's okay if EXO's comeback is delayed, at least they will be coming back. But those lives, those who died can't be alive again. 


And I do wish the dead can be alive again but this is not the case. It might take months for the incident to sink in, to realize the severity of the incident. It is always hard to accept that someone you love have died. And I wished I did not learn it the hard way. 


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I know. But just why, why is our fandom so insensitive? What has happened to humanity?
God bless the victims and their families

All the entertainment in SK is banned for a while since everyone is feeling bad 'bout it
People think I'm being over dramatic because I can't stop crying but it's just si horrible. Dozens and dozens of innocent people are missing and many others are injured and even dead and I can't even imagine the pain their families must be going through