I feel like the worst fan ever.  tbh i never really knew the exact dates of the comeback stage and the release of the teaser and all that good stuff. So now i feel horrible... I mean i reblogged it somrwhere on tumblr but it got lost in my other posts and tags.(I have the memory of a goldfish and they forget things every 5 seconds...i think...i don't really remember.)

Early this morning my older sister who lives in S. Korea(for an exchange) texted me saying hi and stuff around ehhh 6:15am. Since there is a time differnce between us i didnt wake up untill 12pm (hahaha its spring break dont judge me) I didn't see the message untill later. So i spent the whole day on Netflix catching up on GLEE without the knowlage that exo was feaking having ther comeback stage during that time...*sobs violently* Of course the only day i don't check tumblr exo has a comeback stage that i have been waiting for.

When i found out and my sister texted me about the comeback I proboly looked like a crazy person CORRECTION I DID LOOK LIKE A CRAZY PERSON...oh well my family knows im insane anyway hehe.(i probobly look and sound like one now)

And yeah this happened around an hour ago.

Imma go cry in a deep dark hole now...so if anyone who missed it also, please feel free to join me to cry about how hot they most likely were and still are. All is Welcome.(omg i sound like a creeper)

Anyways...if anyone knows any info about if theres a video they released or a link to a video of the showcase(preferably eng subbed) or if they know any upcoming events that are going to happen please let me know.

Sorry if i sounded like i was complaining in anyway i just gotta get that off my shoulders.





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crazysarang #1
Haha for u Bo ;)
Here http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1ouc1a_eng-ekso-shoecase-1-2_music and here http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1owpto_eng-ekso-shoecase-2-2_music part one and two...~~~~
It's okay. Jasmin unnie is here to hear your rant. Sorry I cant really help you since I know close to nothing about EXO, but if I hear anything from my hundreds of EXO friends online, I'll let you know.