Thinking Throughout Summer

Sometimes, well I have been thinking to post my story in asianfanfics as well, but seeing that there are alot of competition and my story would not be popular I am thinking about it over and over again wondering if it would be a success or just an epic fail. .-. I don't what may happen if I would just post it  and people would just ignore my works and I would reach rock bottom with my unfaithful success thinking that, it didn't work out in wattpad, why would it even work out here? I don't know, maybe a part of me wanta ro post it rather than wasting my time doing absolutely nothing in the summer. I can't think straight either. Whatever success I may gain, I hope to stay that way. My way. And I would think about it throughout the summer before I run out of time.


What should a fangirl like me to do? I seriously make fanfics just in a little notebook. Well, EXO fanfics. I seriously think that I would bore the subscribers out.


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