Aerin park
Livelovedreambelieve // ash // active rate (10)

NICKNAME ▬ >Rin - shortcut for her first name and used quite often, especially by her friends.

>Rinni - used when her friends treat her like a baby.

DATE OF BIRTH ▬ June 12 (06/12)
AGE ▬ 16 (American age) / 17 (Korean age)
ETHNICTY ▬ Half Korean, Half American
HOMETOWN ▬ Seoul, South Korea
LANGUAGE ▬ English (fluent), Korean (fluent)

APPEARANCE ▬ She has a mole on her forehead and on her left foot. She also has a scar on her right elbow from playing badminton when she was younger and she covers in up with either makeup or long sleeved tops. She is quite petite since the genes run in the family. She usually ends up being face to face with almost everbody's chest.
STYLE ▬ She wears the uniform the way it is supposed to be. No more and no less. She loves the simplicity of the uniform and she has no means of making changes to it directly. However, she does wear a silver key and lock bracelet that her family gave her when she was born and she never takes it off. She usualy has her dark brown hair  down and would sometimes pair it up with headbands or do a few twists or braids from time to time. Her hair is naturally straight but she curls it sometimes just for fun. She carries a medium sized black leather backpack.
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

QUOTE ▬ "Be contented and grateful for whatever you have and get. It's better than having nothing at all."
THE TRAITS ▬ (Good traits) She is warmhearted, well-rounded, hardworking, polite, strong minded yet soft spoken, loving, sweet, and apologetic. (Bad traits) However, she could also be a bit immature, clumsy, naive, gullible, forgetful at times, and stubborn. She also has a short temper but tries to hide it as long as she can.

Being a Gemini, Aerin is a girl wih two different sides of her personality. She is benevolent, sweet, loving, feminine, responsible, and bubbly but she can also be serious, hard-headed, immature, quiet, and shy at times. It may seem like her different traits would clash with one another, but she doesn't act this way for no good reason. Naturally, she is truly a good-natured girl who just wants to live her life to the fullest and bring happiness to those around her especially to her family, friends, and to all those other people she cherishes in her heart. She is very cute-mannered and can make others laugh. She makes a fool out of herself just to make people smile and laugh to brighten their day and can act sassy if she wants to. Even at her young age at the moment, she is quite mature and independent. She may always be treated like baby but she has that motherly side of her that is evident in her personality. She loves to smile and deeply cares about her loved ones. You can say that she thinks of others before herself. When they have problems, she would try to help and fix them. But when she has her own problems, she keeps them to herself because she wouldn't want to be a burden to her family, friends, and members. To others, she may seem like this great and cheerful girl that is blessed with so much but in reality, she may be blessed with many things but she is not perfect. She makes mistakes and have lots of regrets. She hates it whenever her dark side comes out of her because she hates hurting those around her, especially those she cares about and hates being a bother to them. Whenever she is in a bad mood, she keeps her distance from others and is usually quiet. She does this to avoid unleashing unecessary anger and does her best to let it subside, hoping that she could remove her anger in a calm and safe way. Due to this habit, she tends to be quite secretive, sensitive, sentimental, and gentle. When she is hurt, she doesn't show it much but would handle her sadness on her own, usually by crying to herself in private, writing in her diary, dancing to forget her worries and stress, but at some times talking to her parents. She is actually hard to understand at times but it would be worth getting to know her true self. Basically, she is just like a rose who is beautiful inside and out yet can unintentionally hurt those around her at times but can't do anything about it like a rose's thorns. 

In terms of her work, Aerin hates leaving anything unaddressed. She is extremely hardworking and you can say that she is a workaholic. She does her best in whatever she does and is sort of a perfectionist. Even when she feels sleepy, weak, tired, or sick, she still works and does whatever she has to do and finish. She would sleep very late at night and stay up until early morning and even skip meals just to make sure she gets things done with a good quality, whether it's for her or for other people. Because of this and a health condition she was diagnosed with when she was younger, she would occasionaly get sick. It would range from feeling light-headed and vomitting to getting fever and needing medical attention. But since she knows first aid and is a strong girl, she can bring her health back in good shape. However, because of her lifestyle, including her determination to do extremely well in her academics and in her club so that she could reach her dream of being a businesswoman/performer one day, she would still get sick from time to time. Aside from that, another addition to her personality is that she is quite well-rounded. She is smart, talented, and loves trying new things. But the good thing about her is that she doesn't boast about what she has and stays quiet about it. When anyone compliments her, she grows uncomfortable, shy, and embarrassed. If anything, she usually has this habit of degrading herself. She always says that she needs more improvement, that she is not as pretty as other girls, and basically not good enough for anyone. That is why she tends to be really grateful for those people like her family and closest friends for accepting and loving her for who she is despite her imperfections. 


Aerin Park was born in America on June 12. Though she was born as an American, because of her dad, she became half Korean. She has an older brother who studied abroad to become a doctor while both of her parents were doctors and had associations with business. Her family is quite wealthy but they don't flaunt it to other people and are humble about everything. Compared to her siblings and parents, she was the only one who had a great passion for the performing arts. She likes to sing but most importantly she loves to dance. Ever since she was a little girl, she learned ballet, jazz, hip-hop, and other specific styles like popping, locking, and a few b-boying moves. She can adapt to many styles of dance ranging from cute to y and from graceful to powerful and precise. In fact, dancing was her stress- reliever or her safe haven. Whenever she is sad or if something bothers her, she forgets about them through dance. However, her family doesn't completely support her dream. They would rather have her be a doctor, lawyer, or businesswoman instead of an artist and this became a heated discussion between her and her parents for many years. But when her parent's work moved to Korea, making them migrate there, Aerin used this opportunity to start a new chapter in life and make everything right. After telling her parents that she would study extremely well and become a businesswoman but would try her best to become a performer, her parents hesitated at first but then agreed seeing how determined their daughter was.

After long months of preparation, Aerin got into a top school where she could improve her dancing skills and give her the best education there is for her future as a businesswoman. However, it wasn't always all good with Aerin. Since she places a lot of pressure into herself to prove to her parents that she can be who she wants to be and who they want her to be, she gives herself stress every single day. She has busy schedules everyday but luckily still finds time to spend with her family and friends. Whenever people ask her how she's doing, she puts on this facade like everything is going completely well even though she is having a hard time every now and then. But Aerin's dreams and her determination and passion for achieveing all her goals, no matter how big or small they are kept her going and helped her stay strong. She just wished that her health could keep up with her. When she was 8, she was diagnosed with a small heart condition that affected her health in a way. All the scientific and technical terms are too complicated but in short, her condition may badly affect her health when it is not taken cared of properly. She is prone to light-headedness, fever, vomitting, palpitations and etc. Especially in dancing, she overworks herself too much from time to time and this takes a lot of toll on her health. It also affected her height that is why she is smaller compared to many others. She experienced a lot of teasing because of this and because of her other imperfections. Even because of what she normally does, even when she minds her own business, she easily gets judged by others and belittles her. This explains why she has a dark side to her personality. She doesn't know why others think of her in ways that don't describe her but she tries not to mind them even though she is truly hurt inside. 

FAMILY ▬ Park Jaeyong | 52 | Doctor | Strict, loving, hardworking, determined | Aerin is known as Daddy's little girl. Closeness: 8/10

Park Aehyo | 50 | Doctor | Lively, sweet, hardworking, stubborn | Aerin is really close to her mom since she has no sister. Closeness: 9/10

Park Jaehyun | 25 | Doctor | Caring, understanding, secretive, playful | Aerin and her brother may tease and bicker with each other from time to time but that's just sibling love. They still care for each other. Closeness: 8/10

OTHER CHARACTER ▬ Choi Hana | 16 | Best friend from the same year | Funny, clumsy, dorky, sweet | They knew each other since Aerin's first day in her new school. Closeness: 9/10

Bree Hwang | 17 | Best friend from the higher year | Protective, loving, motherly, stubborn | She met Aerin through Choi Hana. CHoi Hana and Bree Hwang are both in he singing club but they instantly clicked with Aerin. Closeness: 9/10

Lee Jaerin | 16 | "School-proclaimed enemy" | Queenka, likes to impress people, boastful, feels superior | Aerin knew about her through her best friends but never did she actually took time to know her personally. Aerin didn't mind her and went on her own way but for some reason, people liked comparing them both together. They are both in dance club and are both great dancers. But the difference with Jaerin and Aerin is that Jaerin is tall and skinny while Aerin is quite petite and not as skinny as Jaerin. Aerin was a normal student while Jaerin was a Queenka. However, people knew Aerin had the skills while Jaerin just knew how to look like she had it but no one was brave enough to step in. Jaerin tries to be better than Aerin while Aerin does not even notice the "war" between them and just do whatever she does. Closeness 2/10


> Dancing and choreographing

> Singing

> Writing

> Trying new things

> Stuffed toys

> Flowers especially roses and tulips

> Reading and studying

> Listening to music


> Horror movies, houses, and etc.

> the dark

> bugs and insects

> People who think they are superior than everybody else.

> People who are snobs and s.

> People who are ignorant and boastful

> Alcoholic drinks and clubs


> her lips anytime

> bites her nails when she is nervous

> pouts when she is bored

> plays with her hands or hair when she has nothing left to do

> spends time to herself whenever she is stressed, sad, or angry to cool of and think things through.

> daydreams


> She was recommended to join the dance club and didn't have to audition for it.

> She is one of the shortest in her club but one of the best dancers.

> Whenever she feels lightheaded and could feel pain in her chest during practice, she would still continue until the club ends. 

> She cries to herself or to her best friends only when she feels too much pain.

> She likes wearing sweater, cardigans, hoodies, and etc.

> Her style outside of school is simple, comfortabe, yet chic. She wears dresses, skirts, jeans, and shorts and pair them up with sweaters, cardigans, blouses, and other simple yet stylish tops. She doesn't wear jewelry except her silver key and lock bracelet that her family gave her when she was born. She doesn't wear heels that often and mostly wears flats or sneakers.

> She may not be the top of her class but she is smart and is one of the students that the teachers like.

> She wants to learn chinese and is trying to teach herself.

ACADEMICS ▬ Aerin is known to be a good student. She does well in all her classes and the teachers like her. She does not take her academics for granted and despite all her activities, she manages them with the best of her abilities. Her favourite subjects are english, physical education, and music. She was part of the dance club ever since her first year in the school and since then was known to be one of the best female dancers in their school. However, she isn't a queenka. She doesn't even like to be one. She is pretty much a normal student; a wallflower. People only know her as the good student who can dance really well but that's pretty much it. She has no problem with the people in her school except Jaerin, her so-called enemy, along with Jaerin's friends. She doesn't even know why her school treats them as enemies even though she doesn't even know Jaerin but she tries to not let that pressure get to her even though Jaerin started to annoy her and get on her nerves.


Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
ULZZANG NAME ▬ Kim Shin Yeong
Backup Faceclaim
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it

LOVE INTEREST ▬ Zhang Yixing
BACKUP(S) ▬ Kim Jongin

PERSONALITY ▬ For many, Zhang Yixing is described as a mysterious prince. He's usually quiet and calm because he either has a lot on his mind or has nothing running in it at all; no where in between. It may be true that he keeps to himself a lot but without a doubt, he is a silent helper. He is a charming, talented, and warmhearted boy who just does not know how to express his feelings the way he wants to, which explains why he's not as outgoing and talkative as his close friends. Whenever something goes wrong, he'll be the first to react and help. With his close friends, he's a bit more lively and his smile would show more often with them because he's comfortable with them. He cares about his friends a lot and treats them like family, as brothers. Once he gets to know you more and gets comfortable, his playful yet sweet and gentle side will show more instead of the totally quiet one. He's generally kind to everyone even to the people who he knows are just using him and people who are ignorant and disrespectful. He hates fighting but he can still hold grudges and get mad when he looses his temper or when someone hurts someone he loves. There's a saying that the kindest people are the scariest when they get mad, and that's true for Yixing. He just knows how to control his temper and feels like it's his responsibilty to be the peacemaker of his group of freinds. Also, he is stubbornly hardworking and won't settle for less. He's not boastful or arrogant in any way but he just likes to do his best all the time. He does not give up easily and would go through any pain just to reach his goals. He believes that he always has room for improvment. He practices until he can't feel his body anymore but even when he's sick, he still works. Whenever he has problems, he doesn't like to bother others about it. He'd like to handle it himself so save others, especially his friends, from sharing the burden with him. In reality, he worries a lot and overthinks about many things. But there are times when he blocks all those thoughts out to avoid the problems but he knows he'll have to face them later on in life. Behind that smile is an incomplete boy. He's happy for everything he gets in life but he still feels like there's something missing and he's been trying to find that before he goes out for college. He thinks it's love and with the second button tradition in his school, he can't help but wonder if that's what he is missing - a girl who he would love whole heartedly and who will do the same to him. But the problem is, he thinks the tradition is ridiculous and knowing the majority of the female stduents in his school, he wouldn't want to be paired up with them. He knew them too well and the problem is, he doesn't love any one of them that way. He realizes that he has no hope in finding love and that's another thing he keeps thinking about. But shutting himself out from the world makes him blind to see that the person for him has always been there by his side, understanding him and dancing with him.

RELATIONSHIP ▬ When Aerin first came in the school as an exchange student from America, she had a hard time settling with the difference and culture at first. She knew Korean but it was rusty at first. She soon got a hang of it but she still feels uncomfortable since she wasn't used to the environment. Since dancing was her safe haven and it gives her the chance to remove all her stress, she signed up for the dance club. She was a bit lonely since her best friends weren't on the same club as her but she knew that just by dancing, she would feel happy and stress-free. But the fact that her friends were at another club, she usually was alone in dance club since she was shy and didn't want to interupt or barge into the already formed group of friends. So most of the time when they weren't dancing, Aerin would either continue practicing or keep herself busy with whatever she can find in her bag. Also, in her dance club, they usually split into teams in terms of skill. Aerin did not expect to immedietly be part of the advance team where the best dancers were at including the three princes of the school, Zhang Yixing, Kim Jongin, and Oh Sehun. Her fellow dance mates also did not expect for a newbie to excel so quickly and some were jealous while others looked up to her. Being one of the youngest in the team, she felt a great weight on her shoulder because she feels likes poeple expect so much from her now. It troubled her from time to time but she learned to just forget about the worries because the reaosn why she came into the club was to enjoy dancing her heart out. The boys noticed how alone she was and being part of the same team, they noticed how she was not interacting with them. They usually don't mind other people but for some reason, they couldn't help but feel drawn to Aerin. They feel like she was different from the others and surprisingly, they were comfortable with her presence, even if they only exchanged words once in a while. Zhang Yixing was the most intrigued by the younger girl. He wanted to talk to her but no words could form whenever he plans to do it. When the teams were asked to create their own full dance routine for a school's performance, Yixing thought it was a great opportunity to get to know her. The teams had to be by 5 and since they were 4, they had to wait for another member to join the team. However they planned practices already to get a head start while waiting for the additional memeber. The boys got to know Aerin and she got to know them. Soon, her true personality started coming out and the boys couldn't help but find her adorable. They made her feel accepted and she made them feel comfortable and protective of her. Soon enough, the boys were making it obvious that they liked being with her, even outside dance club and practices. Because of this, many girls threaten her out of jealousy. Soon, Zhang Yixing noticed that she wasn't herself. She would avoid them again like she used to before they got to know her and whenever they try to talk to her she would make an excuse to get out of the interaction. Yixing didn't like it. He wanted to know why she was suddenly acting this way so he would observe her from time to time and see what was wrong. That was when Yixing realized that she was only avoiding them because she was forced to and because she was being discreetly bullied for it. She wasn't physically bullied but many girls who liked the boys that were interacting with her criticizes her for things that aren't even true. Aerin didn't mind it because she didn't want to give in to them. She knew she was a better person so she held back her tears and act like nothing happened. One day, Yixing came to her class which surprised everyone and walked towards Aerin. She was shocked to see him and didn't know what to do. He asked her to come with him and she hesitated to leave but before she could answer him, he gently took a hold of her wrist and drag her out. Many people saw that and followed them. He then announced to everybody that no one should give Aerin a hard time and if he finds out anyone hurting her, he wouldn't hold back and show a side that no one wants to see. Yixing didn't know why he did that but it definitely surprised everybody, including his friends. He thought to himself that Aerin was like a little sister to  him and being a peacemaker and being a protective person, he didn't like how people treated her behind her back even though Aerin did nice things for them and did not do anything wrong. He didn't realize that slowly he was falling for her but he was too stubborn to admit that so he had a hard time figuring out his true feelings. Aerin on the other hand was thankful for Yixing and fell in love with him even more. She liked him ever since she saw him but knowing his staus and knowing how she looked and what she is, she knew she never had the chnace. The fact that Yixing actually cared for her made her love him even more. She fell in love with his heart and his looks were just a plus. When she knew about the second button tradition, she struggles everyday just to confess to him but bails and wastes all her time.

answer me
don't lie to me
What do you think of the whole second button thing ?
▬ At first I didn't want to believe it. I have always thought love should come naturally. But ever since Yixing came into my life, I felt like I need every chance I could get to let him know how I feel.
Do you believe the rumor about love spirit in the Abandoned gym ?
▬ It's an interesting school story and a part of me wants to believe it but somehow I don't in a way.
Do you prefer to ask for the second button or receive it without asking ? Why ?
▬ That's what I'm worried aout. I want Yixing to know I like him but what if he doesn't feel the same way? It'll just ruin our friendship. I'm hopeless right now and I try to ask for it but I know it would be better if he willingly gives it to me. But I highly doubt that.
If you plan on asking a second button, who would it be ?
▬ Zhang Yixing of course. He's not like other boys. He may be quiet but it's that kind of boy that I understand. It's like I understand what he is going through. He is special to me. He is the only one who can make me feel this way.
Is there someone from class 3-a caught your attention ? Why ?
▬ Zhang Yixing. He's special. I understand him and he makes me feel like I'm worth something. When he's happy, I'm happy. When he's sad, I am too. I get worried a lot for him whenever he overworks himself. It's like we think alike but I don't think we have the same feelings for each other. I bet he only sees me as a little sister. I'm nothing more than just a friend but I am holding into that last drop of hope that he can love me back.
thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS ▬ I'm sorry if it's too long~ I hope you like my character!  I hope this story will be a huge success! ^_^ Also, I just want to make a few side notes or clarifications about Aerin and her life. Aerin spends time with her friends most of the time. When she was drifting away from Yixing, she was with her friends. She's not alone. Also, she's not the biggest loser in the school or anything. She has many other friends and she's just an average student. Most of the student body are not her enemies and do like her but it's just Jaerin, her friends, and the other girls who like Yixing that bullies her and gives her a hard time. Also, Yixing's free time usually consist of dancing, hanging out with friends, and studying. He does not have a hard time in school because while others think he's dumb, he's actually pretty smart.
SCENE REQUEST ▬ >Jaerin is in the same year as Aerin and they both love Yixing. They both are in dance club and Jaerin was jealous when Aerin got into the advance team while she was only in intermediate. When she heard that the advance team needed one last member, she made sure she was the last member. To her luck, she did and since she and Aerin where the only girls in the team, Jaerin took advantage of this to make Yixing fall in love with her. Aerin doesn't get in the way intentionally because Yixing and the other boys willingly hang out with her. This made Jaerin mad so she acted like she had a heart condition during intense dance practice and fell to the floor. Being the good boy that he is, Yixing was the first to help her. Jaerin continued to act sick so that Yixing could take care of her more. This made Aerin jealous but she didn't say anything because she wasn't sure if what Jaerin is doing is fake or not. Because of this, Aerin felt lonely in a way and whenever Yixing does have time for her, she's busy and honestly she is happy about that because she feels awkward with him now. 
> Aerin sees how happy Yixing is with Jaerin when he takes care of her and slowly looses all her hope in getting his love. The boys tried to give her more hope saying that they believe Jaerin's sickness is fake but Aerin didn't want to listen. Now, she doesn't smile as much as before and this made the boys, her friends, and even Yixing worry.
> Yixing found some time to talk to Aerin and ask her what's wrong. Aerin didn't feel like talking to him and remembering how happy he was with Jaerin made her feel like if she told him what she truly felt and confessed, she would just be selfish and will bother him. She didn't want that so she acted like nothing was wrong and immedietly excused herself to avoid any more questions. Yixing felt sad that she was drifting away again and wondered if it was his fault.
>Yixing's friends didn't like the fact that Aerin was being this way because Yixing was taking care of Jaerin. They were annoyed because both of them were oblivious to the fact that they love each other. They talked to Aerin telling her that Yixing's birthday was coming soon and that he would like to spend it with her. She hesitated at first but with all the pleading and pouting coming from his friends, she agreed. She made him his favourite cake, wrote a poem, and confessed her feelings in her birthday card for Yixing. Jaerin knew her plans and decided to ruin it and confess to Yixing and made sure Aerin was there to watch. She planned the whole thing and when Aerin came to the dance room where Yixing was, she overheard Jaerin confessing to Yixing. She entered the room right when Jaerin said "I love you" to Yixing. They both looked at Aerin, since she suddenly entered the room. Jaerin looked at her with a smirk that only she could see while Yixing was surprised to see her and was about to explain when Aerin ran out while crying. His friends saw what happened and didn't know what to do.
>Yixing wasn't able to catch Aerin since he couldn't find her. Aerin went to the park to cry her eyes out when it suddenly rained. She stayed under the ran until she stopped crying before she went back home. She kept her gifts to Yixing in her bag and went to her bed to rest. She fell asleep.
>There was practice the next day and it was all awkward. Yixing tried to talk to her but she would always find a way to stay far from him. They started their intense practice but Aerin wasn't feeling so well. Her head started throbbing, her heart started palpitating, and she found it hard to breathe. Soon, she collapsed to the floor on her knees and the boys rushed to her aid. The boys could feel that she was burning and that she was so pale. Aerin said she was fine but when she tried to stand up, she lost her balance but Yixing caught her in his arms. She could feel her heart beating too fast and ran to the school clinic with the others running behind carrying her things. Yixing's attention was all on her and Jaerin hated that. She lied saying that Aerin was faking it and that she was only doing it to get your attention and the other boys had enough of her lies so they got the school nurse and asked her for Jaerin's and Aerin's medical records. Yixing found out about Aerin's health condition and that Jaerin's "condition" was fake. He got real mad at her but more at himself for being so stupid to be able to get tricked like this. Aerin was hurt because of him when he was supposed to be her healer. He held back his anger and told Jaerin to get away and that he never did love her and that made Jaerin stomp out the room and get humiliated. 
>Yixing stayed with Aerin the whole time she was in the clinic sleeping because of the medicine they gave her. While watching over her, he decided to pack all her things into her bag but instead he saw Aerin's gift for him for his birthday. He felt even worse because he knew she was suposed to give that to him the day Jaerin confessed. He found the small cake he loves, a lovely poem made by her, and her letter. He felt the same way she did but Aerin made him realize that. To make it up for her, he acted like he didn't know about her feelings and planned a big surprise for her on the day of the school's event.
> The advance team were the last to perform in the school's event and Yixing's plan was on action. After their performance, Aerin was about to leave the stage when she heard her name in the speakers. Yixing called out for her on the center stage and she hesitantly went. Yixing sang a song and Aerin realized that the lyrics were actually the poem she made for him. He made it into a song and when he was done singing, he made the announcement that he loved Aerin and confessed his feelings for her. The audience was surprised, some were happy about it, some were not. Aerin stood in shock at what just happened. She was even more surprised when Yixing pulled out his second button and a necklace out of his pocket and placed it on Aerin. Yixing explained everything and before she knew it Yixing gave her a kiss.
PASSWORD ▬"I lost my mind, the moment I saw you. Except you, everything get in slow motion. Tell me, if this is love." -EXO's What Is Love
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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