Selḗnē // Park Rinyoung // The Omega


Park Rin Young
applicant. Livelovedreambelieve
active rate [1-10]. 10
nickname. Ashley

plotline. The omega
full name. Park Rinyoung
nicknames. Rin - her friends call her that because they think her name is long. // rinnie - they call her that when they treat her like a baby.
birthdate. 06/02 
birth place. manila, philippines
ethnicity. korean-filipino
languages. english - fluent - her dad is half american  half korean and english is one of the most used languages in the philippines. // filipino - semi fluent - her mom is full filipino but her mom brought her up while speaking to her in english so she was used to her first language. // korean - fluent - since her dad is half korean, he wanted to keep that part of the culture alive so aside from english, he taught her and her brother  korean.
style. her style is simple yet chic. she likes fashion but doesn't go over the top. she hates looking too y. she would rather go for something comfortable but stylish. she can look simple one day but can look sophisticated at the next. she can go for the masculine type of clothing as well like caps, polos tied around her waist and etc but can still pull it off as feminine. her favourite apparel are sweaters, cardigans, and hoodies. she finds them comfortable, stylish, and since she isn't used to the frequent cold winds in korea, it keeps her cozy and warm as well. she has no problem in wearing skirts, dresses, or shorts. however, she doesn't like wearing heels if it's on a normal day. she only wears heels when there is an occasion. she would rather wear flats, but most of the time she loves wearing shoes. she doesn't wear make-up but if she has to, she doesn't like heavy make-up. putting on little amounts of foundation, eyeliner, blush, and lipstick is all she would want. her brown (it was black before but she dyed it brown when she started living in korea) wavy hair falls down until her waist and she likes keeping it down. there are times though when she braids her own hair or tie it up in a ponytail or bun but this only happens when she feels like it. her original eye color is dark brown but when she turns into a wolf, the color enhances or brightens. she has a small mole on her forehead.
wolf form. her fur color is mostly brown with a few black fur at her back and around her head // her eye colour is hazel brown // picture
your scent. she smells like vanilla lavender 
face claim:
backup face claim:
likes: 7+
dancing// singing// drawing// writing// reading// travelling// playing// trying out new things// swimming// exploring the forest// flowers// color white, pink, black, green, and blue// candy// big stuffed toys// sweet coffee// caramel frappuccino// salted caramel candy and chocolate// having time for herself to think about things with peace and quiet
dislikes: 7+
horror movies or anything scary// clubs// alcoholic drinks// killing// the dark// heights// people who are rude, ignorant, and cold-hearted
character history

Park Rinyoung was born in Manila, Philippines. Her father is half Korean and half American while her mother is full Filipino. She has an older brother who is 8 years older than her so by now, he is already working. Her family is filled with full-time doctors but only her brother is a doctor and a businessman. She lived in the Philippines for most of her life but migrated to Korea to live with her grandparents (parents of her father) when she knew about her family's secret.

Her grandparents were werewolves but not her father since it skipped his generation. Rinyoung and her brother inherited the trait. Her parents knew that she was a werewolf but hid it from her until she experiences her first change so that her grandparents can explain it to her since they know more about her situation. They did the same to her brother. So when her grandparents felt like her time was coming closer, they immedietly travelled to the Philippines for a "visit" and lived with the family to watch over Rinyoung. She experienced her first change while practicing for a dance performance. Luckily, she was practicing at home and not in the dance studio with her other friends. She hated the experience because it felt extremely painful. The pain was too much for her to handle so she fell unconscious. Her family didn't bring her to the hospital because her grandparents knew how to handle the situation. She woke up in her human form and felt weak. Her parents told her that it wasn't normal for a person to faint on their first change but it happened to her because she was diagnosed with a small heart and brain problem making her prone to dehydration, vomiting, light headedness, and giving her a limit to her stamina no matter how much she excersises and trains for dance. Aside from that, she was scared. But once her grandparents explained everything to her and saw them and her own brother change into wolves, she clamed down. 

She left with her family to live in Korea with her grandparents to start a new life. Her parents were offered a job at one of the most elite hospitals in Korea because they were great doctors. Her brother works part time as a doctor in the same hospital that her parents work at but spends most of his time as a CEO at a huge business company. Since they were always busy, Rinyoung was always with her grandparents, friends, or having some time alone for herself. 

She's currently a high school student and she is part of her school's dance team. She trains at her school every weekend even though it's not required because that is how much she loves dancing. One day after training, she had this sudden feeling of wanting to go to the forest and hike up some hills to get some fresh air. She left her things behind a tree that she marked and changed into her wolf form. While exploring the forest and enjoying the fresh air, she met the caretaker of her future pack and they became friends instantly. Through her newfound friend, she met more werewolves and soon, she was welcomed to join their pack as the omega. Her parents and brother were worried about her decision to join a pack but her grandparents convinced them to allow her to do it because it was good for her. Her brother didn't have a pack because he didn't want to get too involved in his other half so he stayed out of it. Rinyoung still lives with her family but most of the time, she lives with her pack, especially when the hunters were growing in numbers and when they were being more active.

She is closest with the caretaker of the pack since she was her first friend and because she felt the most comfortable with her. She knows about her past, especially about her mate Kyungsoo. She understands how her member feels and was always there to comfort her. They have many things in common and though there are differences too, they still "clicked". She tends to cling to the caretaker and goes with her whenever she greets, welcomes, or visits other packs. 


character personality

Park Rinyoung has different sides to her personality, both good and bad. She is naturally sweet, loving, benevolent, amiable, and caring but she is also stubborn, naive, gullible, and clumsy. She is responsible and polite but at times she is not. She hates fighting and showing her bad side, but since she has a short temper, she can't help but burst at times. Whenever she does something she doesn't like, like suddenly getting into a fight or unintentionally being rude and stubborn, she puts the blame on herself and asks for forgiveness immedietly. She takes everything she does to heart so even a small mistake will make her feel guilty and sorry. Sometimes she really can't conceal her bad traits no matter how much she wants to that is why she likes being alone when she needs  to calm herself down. She likes having time for herself so that she could think about all her concerns and settle everything in her head. She doesn't like talking about her problems because she hates being a bother or a burden to anyone, especially those she cares about like her loved ones/family and pack. She also worries a lot and thinks about others before herself. People say she is too nice for her own good but she gets embarrased by it because she knows that she is not as innocent and pure as they think. She wants to be but she has her own share of wrongdoings so that is why she denies what those people say to her. This somewhat makes her humble in the sense that she doesn't think too highly of herself and sticks to being her true imperfect self.

Despite being the youngest in the pack and being treated like a baby even when she's not, she is actually quite independent for her age. She can take care of herself and can take care of others. However, since she is immature, she takes this whole "being independent" thing seriously. She doesn't like bothering people with her problems and would rather deal with it herself. She stays strong for those she cares about even when she is already breaking down inside. She tends to overwork herself a lot when it comes to dancing and doing her responsibilities in the pack. She hates the fact that her stamina isn't as high as she wants it to but this doesn't stop her from being hardworking and determined to do her best in whatever she does. The only problem with this is that she is hurting herself. Even when she is already dehydrated, vomiting, feeling light headed, and getting weak, she doesn't stop if she feels that she still can continue. She only stops when she has no more energy to waste and when her pack members force her too. Even in school, she stays up late just to finish everything she has to do and to do more extra studying. Saying that she is a workaholic is already an understatement.

Not caring about her health because she knows she can get well by herself but in worse cases, by healing, she likes trying out new things and likes to keep hersef busy. She hates getting bored. She dances most of the time because it is her passion. She dances because it makes her happy, removes her stress, removes her worries and problems, and because she wants to improve on her skills everyday. If she is not dancing, she likes playing with her pack members, exploring out in the forest, or having her time alone. She doesn't have the same exact routine everyday with an exception of dancing and doing her chores and pack responsibilities. You can say that she is hard to understand, but she means well. She has good intentions on whatever she does but sometimes her ways of showing it can be quite annoying or not quite right.

She has also a lot of insecurities and trust issues. She is gullible and naive so she falls for many things and has been fooled, backstabbed, and hurt a lot of times because of it. But as she grew up, she developed this way with people and only chooses the people she will trust. Her intuition guides her in making new friends and in interacting with people she hasn't known for years unlike her pack but sometimes it doesn't work so she still falls for tricks and traps once in a while. When she met EXO-K, one of the closest pack to her pack, she kept this sort of distance from them because she wasn't used to being around boys with an exception to her brother, father, and grandfather. The members of EXO-K tries to get closer to her but she is still shy and uncomfortable around them. Though her members and the boys find it cute, Rinyoung doesn't because she doesn't like the awkward feeling. She tries to get closer to them but her own feelings hold her back. When they are around, she is usually quiet and only talks to her members and only talks to the boys when they ask her something or tries to interact with her. 


love interest
love interest. Kim jongin/kai of exo-k
birthdate + . 01/14 + 3 years older
Is he still alive. yes
how does he smell. salted caramel
is he a werewolf or a human. werewolf
have you met him. yes
relationship. soon-to-be mates // kai feels protective over rinyoung and soon realizes his feelings for her but rinyoung doesn't want to believe that she has a mate yet and she is in denial.
picture links: 

PERSONALITY. Kai would seem like any other charming boy out there who seems like everything goes well for him. It may be true but there is more to Kai than what others think. What Rinyoung noticed was that "Jongin" was different from "Kai", metaphorically. He is the same person but not quite. The Jongin in him was sweet, sentimental, sensitive, and warmhearted. He smiles a lot and laughs. He may be quiet at times but that just means he has a lot on his mind or is silently watching over and caring from behind. He is a child at heart but mature in mind, to say the least. On the other hand, Kai was serious. He does his responsibilties in his pack to the fullest of his abilities and does not give up. He does not give mercy to anyone who hurts the people he cares about. He doesn't like killing but will do it for the sake and the good of others. He spends time alone and trains by himself sometimes. Being the same age as Sehun, the youngest of their pack, he is also considered as the youngest but not quite. The feeling of a middle child is what he feels. He wasn't sure what was his place in the pack and deep inside he just wanted others to care more. However since he is stubborn, he doesn't show it and puts up this mature front. s don't understand him sometimes and even he, himself, doesn't know where his heart actually is. Like Rinyoung, he is a passionate dancer. He understands and knows very well the struggles of wanting to do better but can't. He has his own share of health problem and this was his waist and back injury. It acts up every now and then and he hates himself for not being the strong person he wants to be. But being as stubborn and diligent as Rinyoung, he too doesn't back down without a fight. 

MEETING. Rinyoung and one of her members were out doing their own hunting. They went closer to the area near the stream when they suddenly heard whimpers. They noticed that is was coming from two werewolves and they followed the sound. As they grew closer, the alluring scent of salted caramel filled Rinyoung's nose and she had a hard time resisting to it. They saw two male wolves being ganged up by two hunters. Rinyoung's member quickly realized that it was two members from EXO-K, one of their closest pack friends. Rinyoung haven't met them yet so she doesn't know those two but one thing she knew was that they needed help. By the looks of the situation, they were ganged up and were caught of guard. One of them was bleeding and the other was trying to protect him. Before the hunter could swing his knife, Rinyoung and her member pounced on the two hunters, making sure that their weapons were far from their reach. The hunters were apparantly scared and didn't expect more to come. The girls thought they were new but was worried because that would mean they were growing in numbers. The hunters attacked them again and one threw Rinyoung near the rocks right next to the stream. She felt a pang in her arm and had a few scratches but she was lucky that it wasn't serious. Her member became furious and with the help of the male wolf that wasn't injured, they chased the two hunters away. While they were gone, Rinyoung quickly changed to her human form, changed into fresh clothes, and got her first aid kit. Since her parents were doctors, she learned a few tricks from them while growing up. She went to the male wolf and the scent that she was craving for grew stronger. But before she could fall for the scent, she saw the wound and pitied him. She tried carrying him to the water to wash his wound but he was heavy so she had a hard time. She found banana leaves on the ground and decided that she would place the wolf on it and just drag him near the stream. Kai, who was the wolf found how she was taking care of him cute. He watched her eyes fill with worry and concern and the fact that she didn't know him made it more touching. When she placed medication on his wound, he accidentally scratched her and she winced in pain. He was surprised that he did that too and was expecting her to get mad but it never came. She showed a sad smile and apologized for not being too careful. She continued attending to his wound and not minding hers even if her blood was dripping from her hand already. He felt sorry for what he did so while she was bandaging his wound, he crawled closer to her and started her wound. She was surprised by the sudden contact and looked into his brown eyes. It was filled with sadness and concern and she smiled knowing what he ws doing. By the time she finished taking care of his wound, the two came back in their human form. Kai's member passed him his clothes and Kai limped to a place where he can be covered to change. Meanwhile, Rinyoung was attending to her wound and was introduced to Kai's member. However, since she was shy and awkward around actual boys, silence filled them and it was only when Kai came out when the silence stopped. Rinyoung did not expect that the black and brown wolf that she took care of a few moments ago would look so masculine and well, like that. After introducing himself to Rinyoung and thanked her, they went back together and the male wolves offered to accompany the two girls back to their pack. On the way, Kai couldn't stop looking at Rinyoung. Her scent drove him crazy but what what made him attracted to her was her kind heart and gentle charms. Rinyoung noticed this and slowly went away but Kai would just come closer again if she does. She then felt his hand on hers where her wound was at. She was surprised by the sudden contact and accidentally hit her hand on one of the tress. She felt pain surge into her hand but she didn't expect that Kai would suddenly hold it and gently massage it to make it feel better. She didn't know what was happening and was starting to get scared at him because he would always stare at her and she didn't like that. She awkwardly said thank you before running to her member and sticking next to her. Kai chuckled and though he didn't expect that his mate was petite and young, he was happy with it.


anything else ?
Comment. I hope you like my character and if there's anything wrong, feel free to tell me. for the hansoo gif, it's luhan and kyungsoo, right? :) sorry if there are spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes. 
scene request. - Since she loves dancing, she goes to school a lot to train. kai was told to pick her up one day and that is where he saw her dance. she was alone at the studio but she was dancing as if a crowd was watching her. he was impressed. however he was starting to get worried because she was sweating like crazy and kai could hear her heart beat getting too fast. he then remembered that one of her members told him that she had a health problem but she wouldn't listen to them when they tell her to rest and stop. when she was done dancing, rinyoung felt light headed and wanted to vomit. she looked pale and before anything would happen to her, kai brought her into his arms, not minding her sweat and supported her before she could fall. she was surprised to see him and wanted to escape from his grasp but she was too weak to even argue. She felt his arms go under her knees and before she knew it, he was carrying her bridal style. she didn't know what to do but she felt uncomfortable and tried talking him out of it. kai didn't listen to her and even though he could just transport back to her home, he would rather walk and enjoy the time with her even if she was complaining the whole time.// -when kai finally realized his feelings for her, he was visiting her pack more often and rinyoung found it weird. he would always be around her and she started getting annoyed but didn't show it out of politeness. the others knew that they were mates already but only rinyoung didn't. she had her guesses but she didn't want to believe. when it was near her birthday, rinyoung noticed that kai was hanging a lot with the caretaker of her pack and not her anymore. she didn't know why she suddenly felt empty and a bit jealous but she quickly dimissed the topic or feeling and occupied her mind with a lot of things. what kai was actually doing was that since he knew rinyoung was close to the caretaker of her group and since he was the best friend of her mate (kyungsoo), he knew it would be best to ask her for help. he needed help on making a surprise for rinyoung's birthday. he wanted to do something special for her and that is why he is keeping distance from rinyoung for awhile so he could focus on it. // (general scenes) - the members, both from her pack and exo-k and evem other packs treating rinyoung like a baby or little sister. // -rinyoung getting sick and hurt or maybe like some of her male school mates are ganging up on her and kai would always be there to save and take care of her. // -rinyoung getting mad at kai because he is always in her life and kai getting mad at her because she doesn't realize what he is doing for her. // -rinyoung realizes her feelings only when it's too late because kai was badly injured for saving her in a fight between their packs and the hunters that killed kyungsoo from years before. // - kai waking up from a coma or something and rinyoung was there taking care of him everyday.

suggestion. i have no particular suggestions. :) just do what you do best! fighting!

password. "A wolf with a dead mate is like living in hell."

layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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