I'm so sad... ㅠ_ㅠ


Okay, I have a male friend and let's give his name with Y!

Step = me! XD


Okay... *sigh* I am friends with Y since I was in grade 7. I like to talk with him even until now, cause I am in grade 8 now. Since then, I start to *cough* like him *cough* because whenever I talk with him, I like it. ^^

Yesterday, in BBM (BlackBerry Messenger), HE TOLD IT! He said in BBM, "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"


I was so happy and I told him, "Me too. I like to talk with you since grade 7." He said "Thank you." and I answered him "Me too."

I asked him why he likes me. He said he likes me because I'm a good person with cheerful personality (even I don't think like that to myself -_-). I WAS SO HAPPYYYYYY~



Not until today...

Today, he told me again "Are you sure u wanna be like this?? with me?"

then "Why not just being bestfriend?"


I said "Why?"

He answered "I don't want u to be heartbreaking because of me."

Hell. We're not even start yet. I know, it means he cares about me. But still....

He said, "Okay I dont want to hurt you anymore"

"I will disappear from ur sight."

"See ya Step."

Can I cry???

"Let's just be bestfriend, like before." I said to him.

He asnwered "It's better if we don't."

He said again "Do you know if imagination is a world of your own?" I said "Yes, I imagine something I like and something I love in there. What's wrong with that?"

He answered, "Nothing in there I imagine. All gone with u."

Oh my... So he is like me, imagine something about both of us, too....

I replied "Thanks for all. Thanks for accepting my weaknesses when we're bestfriend. You may forget me, but don't forget when we're being best friend."

He said "Never."

but I replied "Ow, it's stabbing my heart."

"Thank you."




Later, I found out that Y told my friend to say "his sorry" to me. I thought why don't he tell me directly in BBM?

He said to my friend "Please tell this to Step that I'm so sorry for her."

my friend replied "You still want to talk to her, don't you?"

Y replied "Yes."

And my friend replied "Okay. Hope you guys be a solid bestfriend."


So, I accept his sorry indirectly.... :'(



Is it okay?

If we still be a best friend?

Cause I still like him....




OMG! What am I even doing??

Thank you for hearing my problem guys.... T_T




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OMGGG I'm so sorry :'( I was crying while I was reading this..
firstsnow12 #2
it's the same with my boyfriend(s)
my friends keep telling me they are just fictional characters
but then it occurs me that they're just jealous :(((

whispers dis will make a good fanfic istg
aawww that's sad it even looks like it's some kind of love story , ......I'm not telling you to wait for him but still i feel like this all isn't the end of the 'story' why was he even being like that? anyway , fighting !!
I couldn't really understand why he wanted to be best friends with you again out of the blue!!!! what happend?? this is a bit confusing
Pebblestran5 #5
Awwwwwww I am so sorry... This happened to me sorta too a long time ago but I realized I shouldn't get too sad about it. You're in 8th grade, you've got a whole life ahead of you and I'm sorry that happened to you... It mustve hurt. Right now I have a wonderful boyfriend, and it reminded me that good things will happen after the bad things (even if the bad things last longer) I know you will never forget what happened to you, but you have to understand things will get better.
Amarillia #6
This made me cry.. :'( I felt like I was reading a fanfic
BAPismyrice #7
OMG! He likes you?! That's so sweet!!
stephani_bap #8
guys.....I think I make a story...a fanfic, exactly..
HA! NEVER MIND! Will talk bout this with him tomorrow ^^
Hey dear, i felt like reading an angst fanfic..
How could i say this to you.. ;;
This is so sad, but please dont be sad..
Everything will be better for you soon, i know..
There is so many guys out there for you and if he is the one..

like the song i liked..

'if you're fated then you'd able meet each other soon, right?'

Take care dear~
Even though I get you and feel bad for you, but you're still in 8th grade. I'm pretty sure when both of you are mature enough, you'll be able to understand and cooperate with each other or maybe find someone else who's best for you. Plus if he 'broke up with you' before you actually started to date, it's probably something personal or maybe he wasn't really serious, but you answered it so happily that he didn't want to hurt you by saying it's just a joke. Even then, you're only in 8th grade, hormones fluctuate at this time, so you'll find someone better or just like him once you're mature enough. Good Luck!:)
Wah~ This is sad for you!
Come here, VIRTUAL HUG!
/hugs you/ Thing will get better ^u^
Tissue? /offers tissue/
Kamu beruntung, banyak yang memberi nasehat! Byk teman yg memprhatikn mu! Mmbri byk masukan, dan kekuatan! Pada akhirnya, keputusan ada di tanganmu sndiri! Untuk diriku, dulu aku hrs menelan sndiri perasaan ga enak sprti itu. Ya, aku hny berdoa dgn keyakinanku, novena dan pasrah! Percaya bahwa luka di hati akan mendewasakan mentalmu. Semakin kau berjalan ke depan, kau akan smkin kuat. Ga ada yg salah! Hnya waktu yg belum tepat untukmu untuk memiliki cinta. Tuhan akan pilihkan yg terbaik untukmu, yg jelas bukan dia...yg sudah mmpermainkan perasaanmu. Percaya deh! Semua yang terbaik sudah Tuhan rencanakan untukmu! Mungkin, kau butuh waktu untuk menangis, meratap...atau semacamnya! Tapi jgn menyalahkan diri sendiri.
Kau terlalu berharga untuk dia! He is nothing! Okey!
please be strong, u will have him if he is for u.

remember there are many boys out there, that maybe will love u more and be loved by u more.