errrrrrrmmmmmm...unnies (idk if any oppas out there read this), we have a problem

xD okay, it's not a real problem i guess, but it is an issue for me in my life

and i just thought to myself, "i should ask my buddies on aff about this"

(lol, i really do think like that!)

anyway, here's the problem:

my parents want me to leave high school next year (im only a sophomore)

and go to community college

(i can do this by taking the California High School Proficiency Exam, which is the equivalent of getting my high school diploma)

the reason why?

my parents say that by doing this, all the classes i'll be taking in community college will be considered AP classes

you maybe asking: well you could take AP classes in high school too, so what's the deal?

the deal is: community college is so much easier than taking an AP class, and i won't have to take an AP test at the end of the year


and also another advantage is that i'll be finishing school faster

(i know that's not the point but still....)

like it takes an entire year for a course in a regular school and it's just honors/AP

but in community college, all i have to take is a semester and it counts as AP

xP all this confuses me so much...

and the other thing is, that if i leave, i'll lose all my friends (lol, i know it's not a big deal, but i've known them for like 6-7 years)

i mean, i honestly do care about my friends, but i feel like the benefits i'll be getting from this outweigh that....(i sound like such a bad friend....)

soooooooooo, long story short: do i do it or not?

i have until january to decide, beacause i have to take the test ASAP

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm~ decisions decisions...


p.s.: i think im going to do it....but i'd like to hear your guys' opinions first :)


PPS: for all the people who read ICCL, imma try and update by the end of this week, im just editing my chapter...and im still trying to figure out how the "add chapter" page works on this thing xD this website confuses me so much >.< (lol, maybe im just too old to understand these days...) im trying really hard to make it sound good! :( my sister told me the other day "zainab, i don't understand why people read your story, it's so stupid."


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hmmm i think its a great offer....i mean ull get to finish school early.
it'd depend...if you'd choose studies over friends....sure.