〈─ ♔ FANTASIA。- Zhao Jing Li



a story by chenpls


'The Girl With Giant Lungs'

 Zhao Jing Li.






Username: Jessy_The_Panda

Profile link: Click

activeness: 8/10


Something about her.

Character Name: Zhao Jing Li

Other name: Jamie Zhao, Jo Jin Li

Nicknames:Guo Li (Puppy)

stage name:Jamie

fandom name+ color: Arrows (Maroon #800000)

position: Main Vocal

Age: 24

Birthday:Dec. 3rd, 1989

Birthplace: Shanghai, PRC

Hometown: Hong Kong, PRC

Ethnicity: Chinese

Languanges: Cantonese, Mandarin, English, Korean. (Fluent)

Height: 163cm

Weight: 52kgs

Blood type: A

Face-claim: GEM tang

Back-up face claim: Jane Zhang

style: Easily described as H i p s t e r .


This girl;

Personality:Mei Lin isn't one of the first members you would notice amoungst the group. She's is more so

active behind the scenes. Mei Lin is extremely careful with her words, she has a large vocabulary and

will use it. She has a strong sense of empathy, in which allows her to understand others well. Mei Lin lo

ves to read, you wont see her without a book, she is always carrying one around. She prefers paperbacks

over any other kind, just because they are more portable. She is extremely down to earth, and fairly

humble, though she'll occasionally joke about being arrogant. On stage, and to others who don't know her

well, Mei Lin could be seen as graceful and elegant, everything she does is well thought out, but to her f

ans, members and close friends, she's a graceful dork. With her thoughtful nature comes her hard work.

Mei Lin is extremely hardworking. She wants to achive perfection, and will work until she gets it. An o

bsesive perfectionist is what the other members often call her. often she will stay at rehersals to perfect

the dances and even work on some others so she seems well rounded. She is extremely schedule oriented,

and will rarely deviate from it. Everything is planned, every word, step, glance, smile, ect. until the c

ameras are off and she is by herself. Rarely ever is she relaxed around cameras, she is very shy around t

hem, prefering to devert the attention to one of the other members. When the cameras are off is where 

you'll see the graceful dork. She is described as a puppy, cute and cuddly. Mei Lin loves skinship, and you

can see that anywhere, on or off camera, it is just more obvious off camera. It calms her down to know t

hat somebody else is around her. Like an anchor. She isn't neccisaruly the funniest in the group, but she

loves word play, playing with words. Most of her wit comes from that, which is why she has some pretty

awesome one liners. With her father being a politician, she obviously is a very good speaker, getting it 

from him. She is an amazing story teller, whether they be made up or just incidents from the past, she ca

n have you hanging on the edge of every word she says. She is very much an introvert and needs time

to recharge, she can only be around so many people before she feels exhausted. Often to do so, she'll play

piano, or just listen to music. Or play on her piano app on her phone. She finds it easiest to express

herself through her piano, the music is a story in itself, she has been playing since she could remember,

she could easily play on cue, to most any song. Playing by ear is one of her talents. Perfect pitch her

mother called it.

Background: Mei Lin was born in Shanghai on a vaction her mother and father were taking at the time.

She was definitely a surprise at the time. She was born two weeks early. Being born to a concert pianist

and an ambasador did definitely influence her in her life. She started playing the piano at the age of

five, and had started singing around then as well. In her summers she would go with her father whenever

he would have to go to Korea on trips, She didn't bother learning the langugae until she was about ten,

when she would watch TV with out her dad, she couldn't understand what they were saying, so she asked

her dad if she could start learning. He complied, wanting a well rounded child, 

and the fact that he was in korea so often, it made things easier on him. That was also

around the same time he saw her dancing along to Shinhwa, being a huge fan of the group from their 

debut. During her school years, Mei Lin was a good student. She got good grades, but she always excelled

in music, especially in piano and singing. In her last year of high school(2007-08 ish), she participated

in her school's talent show, with a lot of encouragement from her mom and friends. It was her mom and

some of the family friends who helped her prepair her performance which was just a piano and vocal

cover of Alicia Key's song Fallin. She placed fifth in the competiton, mainly because she had trouble c

ontroling her brething, and she was more focused on the piano. (clip of performance) In 2004, some of

her old school mates wanted to audition for SM Entertainment, they wanted her to join them as well,

mainly because she could speak korean, and could help them with their singing, beings that she could

play piano very well, and had taken singing lessions. She didn't know if she wanted to join them or not,

she asked her parents anyway. Both of her parents felt the same way, but they decided if she wanted to do

that they will help her. In the end she went with them, originally not planning to audition, It was fun to

watch her friends audiontion, and to cheer them on, but by the end, she wished she could have. It wasn't

until 2008 that the opurtunity presented itself for her to audition again, well more like SM annouced

that they would be holding auditions in beijing in 2009. She spent the time before that prepairing for

the audition, with the help of her mother and some family friends that her mother worked with, she

worked on a more technical version of the song she performed at her school's talent show. One that would

show off her vocal capabilities. As for dancing, she had no idea what she was going to do, until Mid may

of 2009 came around when her friends were freaking out about the newest boy band. (She was still a big

fan of Shinhwa. Didn't really pay much attention beyond that, until 2005 when Han Geng debut in Super 

Junior, but didn't keep close tabs on them) Juliette by SHINee was released, and that was when she came 

up with the idea of dancing to that song. When auditions came around in august, she was ready this time 

and knew what was going to happen. Already ahead of the game against most of the people auditioning, 

she could speak korean. She sung her song, and danced (10:00). All that was left was to wait to hear

from SM. In the begining of 2010, she got a call saying she wasn accepted into the company, She was

pulled from the company in 2011 due mainly to passport issues, and a contract problem, which left her

without a company to help her persue her dream. When her father flew up again, he helped her out when

she was going to auditions for other comapanies. She had just finished her audition with JYP when her

father told her about a newer unknown company he heard somebody talking about. After looking more

into it, Jing Li auditioned for the company and a week later was accepted.     




Liking that,

Likes:Piano, Reading, Singing, Dancing, Linguistics, Sour Candy, Road Trips, Travelling, Classic Art,

Muscials (Beijing Operas, Cantonese Operas, Broadway, West End, ect.)

Dislikes:Chaos, Off Pitch/Key, Ignorance, Most Candy/sweet things, Horror movies or anything scary,

surprises, stupditity, frosting/cake.

Hobbies:Piano, Studying other langugaes, singing, practicing dance, singing.

Habits:When singing, she moves her hand according to her pitch. (You can see it a bit in her performance

of falling.

She pushes her hair out of her face when talking, she doesn't like it to be in her face,covering her eyes.

She chews on the ends of her pens.

She tends to write on herself, much to the annoyance of the coordinators who make her wash it off.



Jing Li is considered a Polyglot.

She likes to compose random songs on her piano, but never rights them down. Theyre just spur of the

moment things when she is messing around.

Her favorite style of dance is Hip Hop and Contemporary, though she is much better at hip hop.

She can wiggle her ears.

She is right handed

Her favorite color is a dark green

She got her 'persona' due to her wide vocal range and powerful voice (Bb3-E6) (Younha for korean

singing, Gem tang for cantonese, mandarin(rarely ever raps), and english)

When asked to show off her voice, she usually will sing 'I Will Always Love You' by Whitney Houstan. (You

can tell why.) (Full Song. Starts around 1:40)

She is a big fan of Shinhwa and Justin Timberlake.

She is attending a college in Korea majoring in Composition and a Minor in linguistics



Beloved family.


Father | Zhang Xin Sen | 56 | Current PCR ambassador to South Korwa

Mother | Zhao Mei Ling | 50 | Concert Pianist/Piano Teacher

relationship | name | age | occupation

Best friends:

Jessica Jung | 24

Liu Ming Xi | 25


Jackson Wang








Zhang Liyin



No more mercy!



Rival name: Ailee

Reason of rivalry: Theyre considered two of the top vocalists in the Hallyu scene right now.

How you two interact: On camera the girls seem to be a bit more competitive, but off camera theyre

compleatly friendly, they dont have anything really against each other, but it pushes them both to 

become better than the other. Some people seem to think that there is underlying tension, which they

would both probably acknowledge. It's natural to want to be the best, and that is what they are

competing for, even if they have nothing against the other. 

Back-up rival: Hyorin



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Love Interest: Lee Donghae

persona:Fishy (?) (I don't even know. He's just a dork.)

How they met: Mei Lin has known about Super Junior since their debut, but didn't really pay attention to

the group much, except for the occasional news about Han Geng. It wasn't till Super Junior-M was

annouced that she actually looked into the group. She never really gave Donghae a second glance until

she actually attempted to joined the company and her friends back China were freaking out about him.

All he was to her at the time was just a senior in the company. She saw him occasionally in the company,

but that was just at a distance, and she didn't want to disturb him at the time. After all, Idols are busy

people. She hadn't seen him since she left SM, except when he appeared on TV. She then met him again

when she debuted under Fantasia, they just happened to be promoting at the same time. SJM and

Fantasia. It wasnt until they were on a show together that they actually exchanged 

numbers. They talk when they get the chance and become pretty good friends, not going any further than

that because she is in a new group and it could ruin her reputation. Even though she is totally smitten

with him, always having a smile on her face when talking to him.

How they interact:Their interactions are very friendly. Granted, Mei Lin doesn't iniciate most of them

beyond a wave and a smile. It's usually Donghae who will iniciate it all. In public, theyre just friendly

Sunbae/Hoobae friendship, while in priviat, theyre much closer. With both having friends tease them.

The fans have picked up on it a bit, but whenever it is mentioned, both get pretty embaressed and deny 

anthing more than friendship.  

Relationship:Really good friends who have really obvious chemestry.

Back-up love interest: Jungmo (The Trax)


Love rival: Yong Junhyung

Persona: City Chic Rapper (?) (Also a huge dork, who I have no idea his persona.)

How they met: Jing Li unofficially met him while watching a drama with her other members called

Monstar, that he starred in. She made a comment about the actor being attractive, which the members 

constantly over, and informed her that he is a member of the boy group Beast. She wasn't

really familiar with any kpop groups beyond the first generation ones and those who were under SM

Entertainment while she was there. She has said on shows that he is similar to her ideal type, and has

actually had to send video messages to him on shows because of the MCs request, much to her

embaressment. At one point, she was actually on a show with one of s(Doojoon most likely),

who called him afterwards and had her talk with him, to which she was extremely embaressed about,

which was easy to tell beings that she kept on messing up korean words. They exchanged numbers, mainly

because Doojoon made them, well more so her.     

How they interact: Jing Li is extremely formal and awkward around him, but is in an endering way, just 

because she is kind of starstruck. Which Junhyung finds cute. Junhyung is friendly around her, and

follows her on SNS.When they are talking about song composition, Jing Li is totally comfortable around

him, beings that is something she does for fun and enjoys. It is something they both love to do, and have

 expressed wanting to collaberate on.

Relationship: Awkward sunbae/hoobae

Back-up love rival: Lee Jong Suk




Suggestion(s): Like songs stuff? um, SNSD, T-ara, After School, Nine Muses all have a large amount of 

members that would make it easier on you for line distribution

scene request?: A time in which Junhyung and Jing li actually get together and work on collaberating,

and donghae finds out and is jealous. Because he knows how to write lyrics and could totalky collaberate

with her

Jing Li participating in Immortal Song 2 (Or in the chinese version of it I Am Singer 2)

A show just for the girls, like Block B's MTV Diaries or Super Junior Diary. Something like that


comments: Hope you link Jing Li. If I need to fix anything, let me know :3




Credit: GROWL



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