Fanfiction reader/writer survey.

Stolen from StarlightSpirit...


State your fanfiction pen name.

walker (aff) or 21walker (lj). I have other variations of walking/walker on most of my usernames though. 

Are you more of a reader or a writer?

I definitely read more than I write. I have no idea how I ended up writing tbh. I kinda fell into it. I blame Kyuhyun... if in doubt blame Kyuhyun...

When did you first start reading/writing fanfiction?

Not sure... a while. I've been reading kpop fanfiction for about 2 years. I joined aff in Oct 2012 and I only started reading a lot more kpop fanfic earlier on that year. Before that I used to read Star Trek XI and Sherlock fanfiction. I read a little Harry Potter but I didn't have my own computer til I was 17 and it's kinda awkward to read ff on the family computer lol

What’s the first fanfiction you ever read/wrote? What is it about?

I seriously can't remember my first fanfic that I read. It was a long time ago and I have a memory of a seive. My first that I ever wrote was Bu Bu Jing Xin or Startling By Each Step. 

What ratings do you read/write?

I will read anything. Writing, well, lets say I struggle to write . I get self conscious and so I never post anything I write lol

What was your first fandom?

In kpop my first fandom was Blackjacks ^^ followed by VIP. Then I ended up an ELF and I've stuck here ever since. 

List all the fandoms you have read/written in.

Read - wow, a lot. SuJu, EXO, BAP, SHINee, BigBang, TVXQ, f(x), 2NE1, VIXX, Infinite, I'm sure there are more that I have read a couple of and I'm forgetting but those are the main ones. 
Writing - SuJu, TVXQ, EXO. Those are the main ones though I have a tonne of other SM idols in BBJX. 

What is your favorite fandom to read/write for?

SuJu! Specifically Kyuhyun! 

Any fandom you would like to write in?

I keep starting to write Infinite fics. I have so many ideas for them yet I never seem to finish them! It's getting me frustated at myself lol

What was your first ship?

Daragon. It was hetero Dara/GD. But I also like Gri or Nyongtory.

List all the pairings you have read/written in.

I have read too many pairings to write them all down. WonKyu, and most Kyu ships. All the EXO ships, Infinite, TVXQ, SHINee, etc. I have read every single couple of each band I like. I am an equal opportunist who likes when I writer can make me fall in love with a ship. 

Written - Wonkyu, Hankyu, Kyumin, Lubaek, Sukris, Fanxing, Wooyeol (I have written an Infinite drabble - once!), Taobaek, I cba to write all the ships of BBJX and Moon cos I happen to like writing lots of side pairings. 

What is your favorite pairing to read/write for?

WonKyu. I love them together so much.

Is there any pairing you refuse to read/write?

None. I will read anything! I will give writing anything a go I suppose. 

What do you think of het stories? Slash/? Femslash/Yuri?

I will read het. I prefer overall but thats probably cos my favourite ships are malexmale. I do like some yuri but it depende on how well its written. I love certain bands being genderbend - ie EXO and SHINee are perfect when I read them as girls. 

What is your favorite genre?

Angst. Mature grown up angst. Not teenage "omg I don't think the boy I like likes me" but proper torn into pieces cos there is no right way to go. Every option will hurt someway. 

What is your least favorite genre?

Sickening fluff. I can read some but if it is just cuteness for chapters on end I can't cope. 

Any genre you would like to read/write for?

I want to learn to write fluff. Not the naseating kind, the little moments that make you go "awwww" in a fic. 

List all of your favorite writers.

aquariuslover (even though she doesn't write my favourite ships I adore her writing)



black_goose and umberela at inkin_brushes

lirazel (who I have recently started reading but I love her already!)








there are no doubt loads more but I can't remember all their names. especially the ones on lj. 

Which writer inspires your own work?

my own stuff... I have no idea. Well BBJX is the easy one - the novel turned tv show Bu Bu Jing Xin inspired that kkkk. 

What story has the most impact to you, so much that you remember it all the time?

Irl, I always go back to Austen. I adore Terry Pratchett as well. He is amazing. In the fanfic world, aquariouslover. Her fics - all of them are amazing. I have read every one of them dozens of times. Especially Expectations which is a Star Trek inspired epic. 

What is website you use most to read/write fanfiction?

I prefer lj though I use both lj and aff to read and write. I also read on ao3 and dreamwidth. 

Any certain things you avoid reading/writing about?

I will read whatever but writing, well I've never really thought about it. I guess there is some stuff I will just be bad at writing though. 

What do you enjoy best about fanfiction in general?

The flexibility. The ability of a writer to create a world using a character that is familiar but different at the same time. I am constantly amazed at how good fanfiction is. There are so many amazing writers out there. 

Do you have any fanfiction pet peeves?

First person narrative. I can't read people's povs. It drives me crazy and I can't read it. 

People demanding comments or asking for upvotes. I am stingy with my upvotes. Only those fics that I think are amazing are going to get an upvote - as in something I will come back to and read again. 

How long should a chapter be?

Erm... over 2,000 words. I aim for 2000-2500 for Moon and 4000 for BBJX. I haven't wrote any oneshots but I will say over 3000 words, anything under is a drabble. 

Have you ever flamed someone?

Nope. If I start to read a fic and dislike it I will just leave. If I read a fic and dislike the ending I just won't comment. 

Have you ever been flamed?

No. I've actually only had a couple of comments were I've not known how to respond. I always reply to comments though so I tend to make a joke of it. 

Do you roleplay online?

I have in the past ^^ It was how I meet my closest friend :D


(Writers Only)

How many published fanfictions have you written?

2 ongoing. 2 completed oneshots. A set of drabbles, a one off drabble, and a drabble series which I plan to add to. Not really a lot but I have more planned. I need more time! And maybe to not be filling this in when I could be writing lol

Which one of your fanfictions has the most words? The most views? The most comments? The most upvotes? How many?

Startling By Each Step has well over 100,000 words and 28 chapters.

It also has the most views at 15633. And the most comments at 337. 

However Eyes on the Moon has 37 upvotes to Step's 25. Moon also has over 200 more subscribers than Step's does. 

At the moment, which one of your fanfictions is your favorite/you are the most proud of? (you can include unpublished fanfictions)

BBJX or Step By Startling Step! It was the reason I started writing and posting. I've been working on for almost a year now and it's my baby. I wish I had more time to write it. I just love writing it and that's probably why it is so ridicuously long. I don't know how people can read it. But they do ^^ 

Out of all characters you have written, which one do you feel you identify the most with?

I've never written a character that I couldn't empathise with. However, I do have a fic which I haven't posted which I feel strongly relates to me. I haven't posted it cos of a whole host of reasons.

Do you use beta reader?

I did to begin with. When I used to be organised and whave chapters writen in advance. Now I post as soon as I'm finished writing a chapter. I often don't even read it through. 

What warnings have you used on your stories?

None so far. 

Do reviews affect how you write in any way?

I've never been reviewed! I don't even know what it would entail... 

What makes you happy the most as a writer?

Comments! I love my commenters. I have a few that comment every chapter and I love them so much >.< I love when they are happy with a chapter. I love knowing what they liked and disliked. 

Do you generally outline your fanfictions or do you prefer to write spontaneously then revise?

Well I had planned out Moon but now it's mostly spontaneous. BBJX is mostly set as it is an adaptation. I plan to change some parts, like the end and some characters relationships but the main love triange/love interests are mostly the same as the tv show.

Have you ever stolen something from another person’s work?

Does stealing from the tv show count? Cos I am totally guilty of that.

What do you feel is your biggest challenge when writing?

Getting inspired to write. Concentrating and actually finishing. Getting across what I actually want to get across. 

Do you have any certain ritual to do before/while/after you write?

I set myself mini targets. Write this scene and then you can go do something else. 

Do you actively advertise your story or request for reviews/upvotes?

No I haven't. I ask for comments but I have never asked for reviews or upvotes. I actually don't understand the whole upvote thing. 

Would you ever want a trailer for a fanfiction you’ve written to be made?

I want a trailer for BBJX but that would require hunting Kyuhyun down, kidnapping him and forcing him into cheongsam. I don't think he'd be impressed pmsl


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