general updating complaining about life


So this is the first time I have managed to get to a computer and use the internet in a few days... I have been using my phone but it is giving up the ghost and I need a new one!

Anyway... my laptop broke =_= 

This is actually my new laptop cos my old laptop broke 4 months ago. I have a guarantee still cos its only 4 months old so that is alright but still! I am not suited to a life without a laptop lmao. I don't have a tv or any other way to access the internet, apart from my mobile. My mobile is pretty much dead, it turns off the moment you try and make it do anything - like ring someone or read a text. Its 3 years old so I am kind of lucky it lasted this long I suppose. 

Also I moved house... again... my mum is having an operation this Saturday and because my job is y I quit and am moving back to hers to look after her *sigh* I sneaked off to use her really old computer the moment I could!!! I HATE NOT HAVING INTERNET!!! *sobs* 

Its kind of sad how reliant I am on it. But I use it to read the news, watch tv, listen to the radio, talk to my friends, write stories, listen to music, drool over kpop groups. Yep, use my laptop all the time. 

So if I am slow to update thats why. I actually only started writing EXO again 2 weeks ago cos I had a heartattack over the whole Kris/EXO debacle which made me not want to think about Eyes on the Moon. 

I don't have BBJX episodes downloaded onto this laptop either =/ So until I get my laptop back I probably won't update that though the chapter was nearly finished to be sent off to be betaed. 

I might be able to access my stuff though cos I had some cloud backup. So maybe I will be able to update now I have a different internet source. 

I'm not sure what I'm doing. Just wanted people to know I will update when everything is settled and my life is once again boring. Which probably won't be until a couple of weeks after my mum gets out of hospital. I am 100% sure she is going to be a nightmare patient. She won't be able to walk much so I can already imagine her demands...

But moving back saves me money in the long run and also means that we don't have to pay a care assistant to come and look after her. I wasn't getting on with my housemate and my friend had turned into a complete cos I started tentatively seeing one of her friends and she introduced us and for some reason that means I should be really frigging grateful to her and when I didn't treat her like the sun shone out of her arse she said I was a using user who uses people. And now I won't get to see him for ages cos I have to look after my mum and so that's a bummer. She was the person who introduced me to most of the people I knew in the area so she has spread loads of stuff about me and I keep thinking she is acting like we are in high school or something. Aren't people supposed to grow up and out of the gossipy back stabby y stage at some point? It probably didn't help that I couldn't be bothered to defend myself cos really, I don't do gossip or finger pointing. 

Probably not gonna move back. Cos really... what's the point? I can do my college course her while I am looking after my mum (she will take like 6 months to recover completely) and then I plan to apply for uni again. 

Has taught me that some people seem really nice and then they can be like mean girls and turn into monsters the moment you "slight" them. 


Sorry if this sounds like a rant, in fact this is a whiney rant. I am feeling fed up. But I don't care anymore cos I have let it all out now. Gonna go try and work out how to access my files through the cloud thing and see whether that works for me. 




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"though the chapter was nearly finished to be sent off to be betaed." /WIGGLES MY EYEBROWS AT YOU/

I wish I could make a very long comment but I am shorted on time mother is a

*sighs* i cut again I'm sorry
mareepsheep #2
Internet is just so integral to life as the current generation knows it. I spent 3 days without internet while the university I work at tried to configure an account for me to access the network on my laptop and there was so much I couldn't do. It made me a little uneasy, but I'm not sure what I, you, or anyone else can really do about it without major lifestyle changes???? Anyway, all the best wishes for you and your mom! Patient care is difficult (caregiver burnout is a , do your best to avoid it!), so hopefully you get into the swing of things quickly and things settle out. As for your friend, that's just plain mean. It's a good thing you were able to get out when things got toxic, and congrats on the boyfriend.

Good luck in the face of adversity, and as the Doctor says, "The good things don’t always soften the bad, but vice-versa, the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant."
bookworm83197 #3
Yay, the Internet returns! \o/ Glad that you can get back on! ^^ *tacklehugs*
Aw, I hope your mom's okay and gets better soon. ._. Yikes, having your mom as a'll never get her to take her medicine. XD
._. That's an...interesting friend...honestly though, if she's going to act that way, you should just tell her to stuff it. What if you hadn't hit it off? Would she still be that y? Honestly. >.>
That said, congrats! :D I wish you two well together~ ^_^
I hope you get all your files back! ^^ Good luck! :)