SHINee's fangiven snacks eaten by staff


I don't even know how pissed I should be...

I feel really sorry for the fan who send the snacks to SHINee's Jonghyun,

all the way from Poland!


Some writer posted on a now deleted facebook account that the staff ate the snacks instead of SHINee's Jonghyun, who they were meant for.

A mistake because of the same name, okay, but can they explain why they ignored the fact that 

there was also SHINee on it and even Onew's name?! 


Anyways mistakes can happen, so I'll let that slide, but the post this writer made...

this just pissed me off beyond.

I don't normally get angry at such things, but this is just over the limit!


You don't just post it on fb where other people can read it

and then say you enjoyed the snacks?!

The fan (a Polish one) must be freaking upset by this!

It's so expensive to send something from Europe to Asia!

The post was rude and it really didn't needed to be posted online


Just imagine the fan finding this out on the newsite like all the other people

finding out her gift to SHINee's Jonghyun

was freaking eaten by people not meant for them



Which person is stupid enough to psot this? Really?!

If you've eaten it, then okay, you ate it

but don't post it online to make MBC look bad,

make Jonghyun miserable

and crush the girl's life!

This writer shouldn't have posted this!


I can't even explain how pissed off I feel because as a shawol, i feel terribly sorry 

for this Polish fan who poured all her feelings in this package, this gift for her idol!

It isn't even about the snacks anymore, just that a fan send an expensive package with 

the toughts and feelings of her idol in it, now eaten by other people

and then made public by some stupid move of posting it on fb?!


As a shawol, I'm terribly disappointed in this

How would this even make Jonghyun look?


They love their fans!

*too angry to continue*




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same as also so pissed over this this is beyond ridiculous and so mean i hate these people.