Fanfic Survey (from AsianNoodles)

State your fanfiction pen name.


Are you more of a reader or a writer?

i write alot & i have to read tons to find good recs for my tumblr.

When did you first start reading/writing fanfiction?

i've been reading fanfics for too many years, just for different fandoms.
i didn't start writing until August 2013.

What’s the first fanfiction you ever read/wrote? What is it about?

my first story was enigma (which i still haven't finished i'm a terrible person)

What ratings do you read/write?


What was your first fandom?

oh gosh, i think my first feels were for bleach and FFVII.

List all the fandoms you have read/written in.

too many for me to list. kpop only is infinite.

What is your favorite fandom to read/write for?

Infinite, obvi.

Any fandom you would like to write in?

Nope, I feel like the Infinite fandom needs more love, so i shall stay here!

What was your first ship?

in Infinite? Yadong. 

List all the pairings you have read/written in.

written: myungyeol, woogyu, yadong, wooyeol, wooya, myunggyu, woosoo, dongsoo, myungya, donggyu, myungjong, 2woogyu,  wooyadong, woomyungyeol, woogyuyeol

read: primarily myungyeol, woogyu, yadong, OT3 variations

What is your favorite pairing to read/write for?

myungyeol is life.

Is there any pairing you refuse to read/write?

myungjong. (i only wrote it for the sixth sense cause i wrote everyone with myungsoo)
but it's just not my style. sungjong is very precious and innocent in my eyes, and i predominantly write , so it doesn't work out.
i often include sungjong as a side sassy character though because he is perf.

What do you think of het stories? Slash/? Femslash/Yuri?

that is all.

What is your favorite genre?

anything with a happy ending. real life is too sad/lame. so i prefer to go through the drama and end with sunshine. especially myungyeol. dear god i can not handle sad endings for that ship, it pains me on a personal level.

What is your least favorite genre?

anything abuse (so why do i write it) but i can handle if there is a hurt/comfort theme where another person comes in to heal the abused and make them love life again. but non-con or physical abuse in the main ship is a turn off.

Any genre you would like to read/write for?

i wish i was cool enough to think of stories that involved like a real plot. that would be nice.

List all of your favorite writers.

i srsly have way too many, please refer to my tumblr for recs!

Which writer inspires your own work?

i really try not to do anything too similar to any other stories, cause i'm terrified people will accuse me of stealing.

What story has the most impact to you, so much that you remember it all the time?

Waking the Demon by orange_one
I've read the myungyeol chapter so many times it's not even funny. But that story is over 100,000 words and it has like a ridiculously complex and unique plot and it could be a real book it's just like wow.

What is website you use most to read/write fanfiction?

AFF. It's the most user friendly out of them all!

Any certain things you avoid reading/writing about?


i don't know, i just feel like there are so many other ways to create drama in a story, so i'm at the point where i'm over fics where the main question is who is going to end up with who? if you want to write dynamics between 3 people, just go for OT3 love like me :D

What do you enjoy best about fanfiction in general?

the possibilities. the fact that you can take a pairing and write it in so many different ways. i love how each author's vision can change the dynamics of the same two people. it's wonderful.

Do you have any fanfiction pet peeves?

when people tag pairings that aren't really involved in the plot (like this happens so often in myungyeol and yadong it's not even funny) so i go into the story thinking i'll get to see all these different ships and chapters later i realize that they only get a couple paragraphs. whyyyyy.
and i don't know why, but i just don't like when i'm forced to subscribe to read more.

and just really over dramatic plot points. when something tragic is happening every chapter that becomes emotionally draining for me.

Does the number of reviews tell how good a story is?

not at all! the only way to know is to read for yourself!

How long should a chapter be?

at least over 1000 words.
also i get upset when people update with a 'preview' of a chapter. like it hurts.

Have you ever flamed someone?


Have you ever been flamed?

i don't think so. 

Do you roleplay online?

i haven't, but i think it would be cool to do a myungyeol AU on tumblr or something. i'd like to write myungsoo and i think it would be cool to never really know how the other person (sungyeol) would respond. it would be really dynamic and a creative experience.


(Writers Only)


How many published fanfictions have you written?

i have 33 published, 11 in progress (WOW i'm a terrible person)


Which one of your fanfictions has the most words? The most views? The most comments? The most upvotes?

most words; 1. trial and error (woogyu)   2. the sixth sense (myungsoo/everyone)    3. the night off (woogyu)

most views; 1. trial and error (woogyu)   2. the night shift (yadong)     3. the night off (woogyu)

most subbies; 1. trial and error (woogyu)    2. the night off (woogyu)    3. we're not broken (just bent)  (myungyeol)

most comments; 1. trial and error (woogyu)   2. dreamlover (myungyeol)   3. we're not broken (just bent)   (myungyeol)

most upvotes; 1. still alive (woogyu)    2. trial and error (woogyu)    3. the night shift (yadong)

At the moment, which one of your fanfictions is your favorite/you are the most proud of? (you can include unpublished fanfictions)

woogyu; still alive <-- i love vampire AUs but it's so easy to be cliche and i was nervous to publish it but i think it turned out okay
myungyeol; dreamlover <-- it's probably cheesy and too fluffy, but i just like writing about them being head over heels for each other
yadong; the bare minimum <-- like my only attempt at comedy, but i just enjoy that this story has zero drama, it's just for fun
OT3; healing hands <-- one of my first stories to have sensitive subject matter and i really connected with dongwoo's character

Out of all characters you have written, which one do you feel you identify the most with?

sungyeol in we're not broken (just bent) is a slightly exaggerated version of me in real life.  myungsoo represents my husband and how he dealt with my drama.

Do you use beta reader?

no but i probably should since i hate editing so much.

What warnings have you used on your stories?

warning; lack of a real plot i apologize <-- this is probably included at one point or another in like 90% of my stories.

Do reviews affect how you write in any way?

comments let me know that people enjoy what i'm writing. i try not to let it sway my overall plot, but i don't mind giving readers little moments that have been supporting me. 
for example, in trial and error one of my commentors that had been with me from the beginning asked for a myungyeol moment, so i added it in simply because she asked for it. 

What makes you happy the most as a writer?

me publishing something that i think is weird or ridiculous and people actually liking it
(like that one time i did a myungyeol AU based on the office and car and people were into it like what)

Do you generally outline your fanfictions or do you prefer to write spontaneously then revise?

a general vague idea, but i let it evolve organically.

Have you ever stolen something from another person’s work?

i used 'ual napalm' to describe dongwoo and john mayer called jessica simpson that one time (BUT ITS SO ACCURATE)

What do you feel is your biggest challenge when writing?

thinking of a real plot which i still manage not to do 90% of  the time. like my only forte is which is kind of sad.

Do you have any certain ritual to do before/while/after you write?

infinite instrumental in the background to put me in the mood but not distract me

Do you actively advertise your story or request for reviews/upvotes?

hmm... i think the closest i come to this is doing author's notes? i like to communicate with my readers alot, so i often do shoutouts and i reply back to every comment.

Would you ever want a trailer for a fanfiction you’ve written to be made?

it would be bad but i feel so terrible for asking people to put that much effort into making something for me.
on the other hand, i am recently falling in love with posters they are the most amazing thing ever like wow.


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