Progress of my fics.

So I'm just putting this out there for myself and anyone who cares enough about my writing.
I will be updating the following fics in the next week;
Anybody waiting for updates on You Will Meet a Tall, Handsome Stranger, The Collaboration or As the Dust Falls will have to wait until the end of April,as I go on fieldwork abroad for a week on the 22nd but I'll be unable to write from the 21st (I mean, I'll have my tablet but writing on that is sloooow).
I'm also working on two collab fics which take up time AND I'm going for the weekend away to visit an Inspirit friend in a nearby city.
This is what I get for having seven ongoing fics and three waiting to be started.

Here is the status of all of my fics:


The Space Between Us; On chapter 2 of 3. Should be finished by next week.

The Collaboration; On chapter 1 of a projected 3. Should be finished by June

You Will Meet a Tall, Handsome Stranger; On chapter 3 of a projected 5. Should be finished by June.

As the Dust Falls; On chapter 5 of a projected 10. Should be finished by July.

The Weight of Souls; On chapter 9 of a projected 20. Hopefully will be finished around late August. Maybe earlier.

Dedication Takes a Lifetime; On chapter 19 of a projected 25-30. At the latest, should be finished in September.

Do you Feel?; Me and visi haven't had time to work on this together, but I'm sure we'll get cracking when I get back from Tenerife


Forewords up but not yet started;

The Ground Beneath Your Feet; Will be around three chapters long, maybe a little longer. The contest deadline is July 1st. I will start this in May.

Something Quite Like Magic; The deadline is November 22nd. I have the first chapter half written already so i'll probably post it slowly over the period of the contest, at least until most of my fics are caught up on.

When in Rome; Is my new one and it will be a looong one I think! I'll start on that in May when I get back and updates will be slow as I focus on older fics ;D







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I'm a big fan of wiegh of souls, y'know. you're mean.
you're making me cry.
And I had the hope to read when in rome soon.
Meh, You'll update regulary, so I'll read anyways lol