Subcribe and unsubcribe II

ok let talk about this straight to the point

First i already locked all my fanfics for subcribers and friend only

but then i give chance for new readers for read with open it for subcribers only

but that doesn't mean readers could playing on the subcriber button.

i found few subcriber did it.

they subcribe when i'm update then unsubcribe after reply again after my next update

before this i already face more sad and difficult time than problem like this

so let's play fair game

i will blocked and kick out those player from my readers list when i found it

so no one will get stress,especially me

sorry if this sound so weird but i just want make it fair for my others nice readers

i don't want them feel unfair with those sick game and i will make it end

all authors work hard for write and all readers deserve to have something to read

and i have my own reason for locked it so please respect each other.

Thank you


ps. feel free to twitt me in @Linsoulhope


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Rainshines #1
Cheer up! ♡ Block those that did that if it upsets you. You have other loyal subbies ^^/
I've just experienced the same thing, but i'm not an expert writer like you are, so i have nothing to do but think that maybe they were disappointed by my story. It quite saddened me though. I just hope readers out there appreciate author more. It's not easy to make a well written story like yours.
Hope you find she/he fast!! :)
eliz930 #4
i didnt know much about subsciption effect toward reader...and also the use of karma point..but for sure..i will never unsubscribe soulhope's story..all of them are great..and i cant wait to subscribe a new one..if have. but some story from other write..force us to subscribe but i read their story..they are not too well written so at last..i have to unsubscribe.. SOULHOPE...i love all your ff..keep writing about BB..NYONGTORY..their brotherhood make me love them too much..FIghting!!
Red_lantern #5
I don't care much about my subbies, but yeah, I really don't get some silent readers.
MessyPeanut #6
I have a little diff opinion but I didn't mean anything by this. So I hope you don't get offended.

I find that matter of subscribe and unsubscribe is really unimportant and can be ignored. Because sometimes when I navigate w my small phone, I mistakenly unsubscribe and then notice it later that it happen and subscribe again. After this happen several times to me, I think it can happen to anybody. But apart of this, why we as a writer has to care if people subscribe and unsubscribe.. It's their right to do so.. And we should just enjoy our story.. Why upset with one when we have like 50 or more others? I think it's a waste of energy to worrying about things like this..

Again, as I said this is only my opinion and I have no bad intention, just simply giving my view. I just hope everybody can just be happy. :)
isn't it the same as follow you on twitter you locked just to stalk you, then when it finish, they unfollow you? its annoying, i feel you. whats the disadvantage on subbing? i guess nothing.
i don't understand the idea of subbing and then unsubbing after reading, only to sub again? um, what's the point of that? i can understand unsubbing because you no longer like a fic (fair enough), but if you come back, then you must like it, so is it so hard to stay subbed? weird.