Secret Santa 2014 (Thoughts?)

Hopefully you guys remember the Secret Santa fic exchange thing that I did for Infinite last year? I'm going to definitely be doing it again this year (I absolutely loved organising it last year and I met some amaaaaazing Inspirits through it), but I'll be making some changes to the timing and the way it ran and I want to know what you guys think.
Last year I opened entries in the middle of November and left them open until the start of December, giving people to the end of December to write their oneshots. This was so last minute and I got 130+ entries, way more than I had expected. So whilst the whole thing did go pretty smoothly there were some stressful moments and over 10 people had to drop out.
I get this; it's exam period for some people and also the Christmas period is one where people should be with family so you lose that time to write, that's why this year the timings will be different.
So here is how it will run:
Entries will OPEN at the beginning of September. The system will be the same; comment wil a prompt and a couple and anything that you wouldn't write and I will note it all down. 
Entries will CLOSE at the beginning of October. I will then sort out who get's what prompt based on your preferences and send them out in PMs as I did last year. I will actually create a new email address this year just for it since I was using my university one last year and it was a pain to keep up.
This works for me as well as I don't start university until the second week of October, giving me time to concentrate on making sure this is organised properly.
You will then have until the beginning December to write your given fic. That's two months to write one oneshot so I shouldn't have to give many extensions out.
I will then proofread them (though because of the amount of people I hope will join againt, I'd prefer if you made sure to proofread or asked a friend who is good at English to do it this year, I will not be editing every single fic again this year x.x)
The fics will be posted on the Secret Santa page in organised 'batches' from around the 15th to 30th December, the period may be longer or shorter depending on the amount of people who join! I'll admit that this part is an idea that I 'stole' from the Dashi Dorawa Livejournal Secret Santa/
The reveal will then take place on the 31st!
I know a lot of people offered to help with this years after last years finished. I will probably not need much help, I prefer to work on my own or with one or two people as then I know what's going on at all times. I WILL most likely need help with drop out prompts (you will have 2 weeks to write it) and maybe a little help with proofreading, though I'm not sure. I'll put out the call for help at the time if I need it~!
Anyway, does this sound better?
How many of you guys that joined last year would join again, knowing that you have double the time to write the fic and none of the pressure that comes frm seeing fics going up before you've even started hehe.
Any other thoughts?


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I will definitely join again <3
And this time, I think that I wouldn't mind writing multiple ones in case you need people again because of the long time range ; u ;
I'll definitely write~
And I can write for dropouts as well, just tell me!
i am most definitely in.. drop by my wall to remind me of the start of the secret santa waahahahah

and I am always willing to write for drop outs ~ because i love a challenge ^^
Count me in :)
Agree! :))
Yes, this is much more organized. I will definitely join again, and take advantage of the extra time given this year to make a better fic ^~^
Definitely in, Jade! \o/
Sounds awesome, I think I am going to join this year. =)
And I have a Q for you but I will PM you...
Itscold #10
I loved it last year. I'm in^^
Dj-Tehee #11
I'll join agan, I guess..
I hope I won't be too busy this year..
I'll definitely join again! It was fun.^_^
I guess I'll join then.
Last year I had my exams perios between november and december, and that plus not having my own computer was partly why I had to send in my fic in january =^= I apologize for that. This year though, I won't have finals so yaaay I'm free earlier :D