
EXO might never read this post ever, but I'll give it a try.

You have no idea how much these 12 adorable idiots mean to me. My life has never been terrible or unbearable, but there are times where I just want to give up on life, where I wish I just had an off button to shut myself down from anything and everybody. EXO changed that. Whenever I feel down, I look at pics, watch videos and just fan girl over them and somehow I just feel better. I don't really care when people tell me that I get annoying because I only talk about them 24/7 because I'm happy with what I'm doing, I'm happy and proud that I could call myself a fan of EXO. I was here from day 1, and I will always be 'till the end. 

Thank you for giving me the chance to enter a new family, the fandom. 

We are one, forever one <3 


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