Lack of Updates

So I just want to apologise in advance for the probable lack of updates in the next week or so. I'm going to aim to post the second (last) part of The Space Between Us soon because I wasn't planning on posting it seperately to start with and I may pump something out for The Collaboration, however I have a deadline next Wednesday and I'm also (sort of) working on a collab fic with xdark_blue and a contest collab fic with visinel so my own projects are on hold for a week.
I'd be fine, but I've also been ill to the point where I took a trip to hospital this morning because I fainted a few times. It's been put down to anemia and general malnutririon (yay), so i'm taking some me time to work on fics more slowly. Don't get me wrong, I adore writing fics, but sometimes I don't sleep or eat properly because I'm jiggling fics and university and social life and fangirling and it takes its toll. 
Plus I go away two weeks today (yay) so I'm making sure I'm ready for that as well which is stressful, and I'm losing sleep over the fact that I am absolutely terrified of flying (it's my biggest phobia), which isn't helping!
I'm okay now, but I'm just going to sleep early tonight and then work on my essay and maybe a tiny bit of fics tomorrow~!
Aish~ Summer break can't come fast enough when all I need to do is write write write! <3
Can I get a degree in writing fanfics please?


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Okay now I feel really bad I barely get on aff and see this and I was talking to u earlier on twitter and I didn't even know any of this was going on!!! ㅠㅠ with I feel dumb:( i hope you're resting well right now and please take some time for yourself and relax! And get your sleeping routine back to normal. Please get better and hopefully no more visits to the hospital! Again I'm sorry I had no idea this was going on:( please eat healthy and normally to replenish your body and have happy have happy dreams of yeol! ♡♡♡
hotterthanasummer #2
Don't forget to eat, dude D: Take care of yourself first. My mum regularly suffers from iron deficiency because she's vegetarian + has a few other dietry restrictions, so I know it's not nice.

(I... was attempting to right WooGyuYeol - cos you said you were in need of wooyeol - but it turned into the most awkward thing *ever*, lol. If you see a troll account posting something like that in a few months, it's ttly gonna be me xD;; )
evangeline101 #3
Omg have fun and don't forget to eat and sleep okay? Your fanfics can wait tbh I‘ll be waiting anyways /squishes you/ I hate airplanes so much that my mom gave me a paperbag to breathe into in case I fall into a pamic attack maybe you could try that too?
Yah, take care of yourself!
Nah, I know some things are not always your own fault, like, I have anemia too (I was diagnosed with severe anemia like last month) but you have general malnutrition so start eating or I'm cutting your internet connection (?) I don't know how But I'll do.
I wish I could get a degree in fanfics too, but I would fail it too :c
Go ahead just cast the blame on me :)