The audacity some people here have

This situation is so funny and ridiculous at the same time.


I knew that  my wall and especially my PM would be flooded with messages but some of them just take the cake.


"Please let me read Two Moons!" or "Please, reconsider and let me read Two Moons"


No, I won't.


Yeah, sure, I understand you that you want to read the story, the most people who subscribed want to read but I have taken the story down for now and it is not available for anyone.

Who do you think you are that I am going to make an exception for you?

It is so funny because those messages come from people who never wrote me before and who never commented before.

And then they call me selfish. Yeah, sure.

Who is more selfish here? When I make the stories public again, I make them public for all my readers and not for only one or two people.

Seriously, don't bother me with such stupid requests.


And what takes the cake is that some of you have the audacity to write PandaDiaries, who is my proofreader in The Legends, and whine and annoy her to make the stories public again.

Some of the readers even threatened to hack her account.


Are you ing kidding me?

How old are you? ing 10 or 11? (Well, some of you are and it is seriously shocking that you read The Misfits with 11, considering that there is in it.)


This is just annoying and shows how many immature people are here on AFF.


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Hey... Sorry to hear about the plagiarizing
I only came to know about it now when I wanted to re-read your The Legends series.
But yeah I hope I'll be able to read them again one day.
I totally love reading your stories and hope everything works out for you.
Fighting!! xx
Hi authornim, it's been awhile since the last time I read your stories. I've just realized that your stories were plagiarized by reading this. I was going to re-read the legend saga but apparently those were put in private. I totally understand your decision regarding this. I just want to say again that I really enjoy reading your stories, from 'war of gods, the legends saga , the misfit' and currently I'm still reading 'two moon'.
Anyway, please continue writting your stories. I do enjoy all of your stories since your writting styles are my favourite. Hopefully, one day I'll be able to read those stories again.
i haven't really logged into aff until recently when i wanted to re-read your stories and found that they've been removed/put to private, so i decided to check your blog in case you posted an announcement. all i wanna say is, if there are people plagiarizing your stories, then i respect your decision to put them to private and not let anyone read it. just wanna let you know that i enjoy reading your stories a lot, esp the legends series and the misfits. such great stories are rare to find and maybe thats why people plagiarized it… hope that those retards got banned from aff for good. and just ignore those thoughtless PM you receive, if they support your stories and love it a lot then they will respect you enough to give you the space you need.

that being said, hwaiting to you author-nim. hope i can read your stories again one day! :)
krystalkim #4
Authornim can i ask you something? First i m sorry if spam you with my comment,but i want to ask you if there is that manga have a simmilar story with the misfit? Since i cant read your story again i want to read or watch manga that have simmilar story with the misfit,so can you tell me?and where i can read or watch it? Thank you!
lala1234 #5
Wow, i am really late to know that your story being plagiarized.
You are my most favourite author, even i didn't comment for each chapter of your story. But i'll comment at least once at each story.
Wish you keep writing because your story is my mood-booster.
I stll remember when you reply my silly PM.
Soo himnae author-nim
weird_fellaf #6
Hope that all of the plagiarizing issues come down soon... And none of them won't try to plagiarize anything from anywhere... Wish you all the best Author-nim... Keep healthy... >.<
krystalkim #7
Authornim,when will you come back,i really miss to read your story so badly…
This situation in itself is quite unbelievable and ridiculous. I really hope everything turns out okay, because I really can't imagine what your going through right now. Stay strong and don't let them haters get to you!
Wow that is crazy I know I don't comment a whole lot cuz I've been dealing with health issues so I don't actually read your updates till you have like ten or more new chapters then I comment but still to threaten to hack someone's account that is just wrong very wrong I just found out bout all your problems with this cuz I was going to go back and reread the misfits and it was gone so here I am anyways good luck with everything and seriously you are like my favorite author on here and I usually never reread a story but I do yours :) good luck with everything and I promise I will try my best to comment more on your stories
krystalkim #10
I just know your problem,i support your action towards people who did such a thing to you,if i were you maybe i will do the same action as you,maye be i never post a comment to your story before,but your story is the first story that make me like to read fantasy story like the misfit and i keep re-reading your story again and again.and i will still waiting to read your story again but it's up to you and many your fans wait to read your story again :)
Seriously? People have told you to quit? WTF...=_= soooooooo stupid. I think maybe those users are just "Internet trolls" or something. *rolls eyes*

It's great to see that you've put Two Moons up again. *still hoping you'd put up your other stories like Black Pearl...T_T* but like, obviously, it's all up to you (but, a fan can't help but hope :P)
Hi I just started getting back into reading fanfic and I must say that I really did miss your stories! I'm sad to see that you took them down and that they are in draft mode but I feel that this might be best if people keep plagiarizing you... However, I will still wait for them because they were just THAT amazing.
This is stupid (no offence) and I totally agree with the decision that you made. Harrasing ( okay maybe not to such an extent) your proofreader PandaDiaries just so they could read The Lengends or Misfits is just. It just doesn't make sense. Take your time on deciding whether or not to have the Legends and Misfits to go public or for members. Maybe. Haha. But I will still wait patiently for your stories authornim! ^^
Hien13kim #14
people are just that self conceited . they always want what they want .
really ? your just gonna hack someone & threatened them just because of a story ? -.-
obivously , you had a reason to take it down , so these people just need to have some freaking common sense .
i was just bored & went to stalk your account today cx cx lol jkjk .
but then i saw the link & read it & was like 'omg people like this really exist -.-'
honestly your stories are beyond amazing & just the way you write them are amazing .
there's not a lot of authors that write action & romance ( they're my 2 favorite types to read ) & you did an amazing job pulling it off !
your one of my favorite authors of all times & don't let those idiots get to you , they need to be freaking patient .
please take as much time as you want(: ill forever wait patiently for your stories to go on public again so i can re-read all of them again cx cx