Searching for people to follow

Hey guys~^^

I just wanted to ask you if you want me to follow you on tumblr or twitter or instagram or befriend you on facebook or kakaotalk or wherever xD

you see I'm really talkative and would love to talk with people xD


haha, and now, would you please be kind and tell me some people I should follow on tumblr and instagram since I'm new to these and don't know anybody T_T

any interesting tumblr accounts? any instagram kpop or whoever fans and stars?

I'm being lame, aren't I? xD

nevermind, that's ME after all xD

thanks anyway ^^


P.S - about my updating... I will try to update as soon as my inspiration and time come back ^^

Peace ^^V


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MyeongJi #1
follow my tumblr if you want^^:
and my instagram: berfinxustun
and waiting your story updates,, i love your stories (ಥ﹏ಥ)♡
Pipi92 #2
I have tumblr ( so feel free to follow me, I'll surely follow back :D
well, you can find me almost everywhere with the same name as here, so feel free to do so :D I also have tumblr but not under this name.
J-hopesgirl97 #4
I have a tumblr so itd be fun to have more people to follow and talk to
I have kakao talk and facebook if you want to be friends an chat.
I have kakao talk and a kpop instagram ^^ I don't mind you adding me :3
I got kakaotalk and I don't mind being added on fb. Maybe I'm a bit lame for not having instagram nor tumblr. I got my reasons... >_>
Dana_1004 #8
Ja som na kakaotalk:-D ak chces tak sa mozme spojit
you can follow me on tumblr I will follow you back. but just know I am weird and I blog jrock to. but I love to talk with you if you wanted to talk to me :)