Eating Alone...


Umm, by the title ur probably guessing what is happening. Well, I spent 30 minutes trying to cook for my family and here I am sitting alone eating again. 

I just wanted to get this off my chest, because I finished cooking just 20 min. ago and im eating alone. I set up the table and everything, but I'm the only one eating and I don't know why I'm crying over it. 

I know this may sound stupid, but thats how I feel. My parents are about to get divorce and I cooked this dinner iust in case its our last dinner together and I don't know. I'm just sad. 

No one is eating with me and I dont know. Should I be crying over these things? Am I just to sensitive? Am I stupid crying over such stupid things? 

Tell me?


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Kyla1923 #1
It's okay that you're crying about it. If i were u i would cry as well. My parents are already divorced since i was seven. Even if they were still married never did we have dinner together cause my dad is in the US. When my parents divorce, i continued eating by myself. I eat at my room. I don't even leave my room, I only leave my room when we have guest, when i need to go to the bathroom and when i go to school every morning. Now, i live with my dad. I stay here in California, hoping that i will always eat with someone, my step mom or my dad. But no my step mom is too busy with document, i don't know what those documents are tho, my dad always gets home when i finish my dinner already. It's okay, you're not being sensitive about it, you're just sad that your parents are getting divorce. Maybe u should talk to them and ask them if u guys can have dinner togther. It's not a stupid thing, crying over it. I mean, who would want their parents to get seperated? You grew up with them being together, you're scared that once they get seperated that nothing will be the same anymore, some thing would change. But know this, even if they get seperated they will always love u. Maybe them getting a divorce is the best thing. They can't be together forever if they don't love each other anymore. They need to be happy as well in their life. I don't know if everything is gonna be okay, but things will get better. FIGHTING!!!