
I liked this boy for two years. The valentines card boy, and if you don't know him then go check my other blog that says Valentine Card or something like that., but another thing happened since then. On graduation day, I confessed to him with another letter revealing the valentines card was from me. 

I started summer achool yesterday and he goes with me to summer school. WE avoid each other because I told him in the letter if he needed to, we can avoid each other until the awkwardness goes away. I gave him a chice not a command.  It was his choice not mine, but seeing him avoid me, I know what he had already picked. 

Before going to summer school, every night or everytime I fell asleep, he always appeared in my dreams, but now that we go to summer school together, I have no more dreams of him. 

I regret giving him the letter and letting him know so fast. Including the Valentines card. I wish I could turn back time and never have done it. 

Yesterday, when I saw him at school, the first time he saw me, he glared at me. He always used to smile at me but now its glares. I think I made him hate me. I didn't mean to, I just wanted him to know how I feel, I didn't mean to make him hate me. 

Now he's surrounded by a bunch of girls, I just get so jealous. Those girls, they just.... I don't know but I get mad. I hate it. I don't stalk him, nor do I do anything to show I like him. I don't secretly look at him nor do I secretly even do anything that bothers with him. 

I'm hurt, not because of him, but because of myself. I should've never put myself in this situation. I hate it. 

Well, lets hope for the best, so bye! ^-^


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UnrealisticDream #1
I know this is really late and all, but I don't think he hates you. Its probably giving you the cold shoulder to I guess "shoo" away the awkwardness..or maybe he's just not strong enough to face the fact he might like you too.. besides you have high school, so just wait for those other cute guys c;
lol and its his loss, not yours! Be strong! Fighting! <3
Don't hate yourself, you're just gonna hurt yourself more by blaming yourself. Even if he ignores you, keep your hopes up! You're still young. You never know what's gonna happen next. Maybe you guys start a relationship. If you don't keep your hopes up you won't really believe that you and him are gonna be a thing.