Bragging: My Amazing Boyfriend

You guys, can I just take a moment and explain to you how amazing my boyfriend Cody is?


As most of you may know, I have been having a tough time the last week because my grandfather is not doing well. But thanks to my mosre than wonderfuul boyfriend, I am feeling so much better about it. Let me explain:

So yesterday, I was upset about the fact that my Uncle Mark (My mother's brother) won't come home to see my grandfather. (Long story, I don't feel like explaining) It is slowly killing Papa, (My grandfather) and honestly, the only reason he's still alive is because the wants to see my uncle.

So, my boyfriend had texted me yesterday, saying he was going to bed, and I was just being my normal self even though I was upset about it. Of course, he saw right through me. I got a phone call, and he told me to tell him what was bothering him. I did, and he listened to me cry, and he told me what I needed to hear. (Grant it, it wasn't what I wanted to hear, but it was what I needed.)

And this morning when I woke up, I felt so much better and at peace with it all. And when he came over here today, I was able to enjoy my time with him without feeling so depressed.

I'm so grateful that I was blessed with such an amazing guy. He comforts me when I need him, he tells me what I need to hear, he's beyond kind and caring to me.

I was thanking him today for yesterday, and he says to me (And I qoute):

"Kyla, you mean everything to me. You're so special to me, I love you. I care about you, and that means calling you at all hours of the night to comfort you. I told you, I'm always going to be here for you, no matter what it is. Don't ever feel like you have to hide your feelings from me, cause even if you do, I'll always be able to see your heart. I'll always be able to see what's wrong, and I want to fix it. (*He cupped my face with his hands*) I want to heal all the scars you have on your heart, I'll never let you suffer through something alone. (*He kissed me*)"

Like I said.

I have an amazing boyfriend. I swear to you, those are his words, word for word.

I am never letting him go. <3 <3 <3



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Aww how cute! You're so lucky unnie to have someone like him in your life.. :)
So cute!

But does he write fanfiction with you? *coauthor high five across the desk*