Know Your Author~ (Stolen with permission... Which isn't stealing since she knows I stole it...o-o)

» Appearance

Hair Color:

Black! Or maybe really really dark brown. ^^

Eye Color:

Dark Brown.

Skin Color:

I'm a little tanned, but generally light skinned.

Most Favorite Feature:

My eyes.... :D I have big eyes with long eyelashes. (Not bragging here kayyyy!) Lol. X3 the only feature that makes me feel confident. :3

Most Disliked Feature:

My nose... And face cut. :O my nose is big. TwT and I have a round face shape, making me look fat. T-T


I...uh... Don't remember. O-O but I know I'm short. I'm probably about 155cm if I'm not mistaken. :p

Blood Type:

B! :D B positive! Just like very single member in my direct family. :D




I have two names. My real name and my VERY famous nickname. My real name is Melisha. But my entire life, I've been known better as Pinky. ^^ hehe. I like my nickname very much.


Im probably in the 'older' category in this site. I'm eighteen this year. :3 hehe.


Malaysian! :) well, not a Malay though. I'm an Indian-Malaysian. ^^

Country of Origin:

Malaysia. I was born and raised here. :D it's a lovely place. Please come over for a visit! Hehe.

Favorite Color:

Aaaaaah! PINK! :D Lol!! X3 my love for pink is absolute! Haha.

Favorite Animal:

Dogs and hamsters... And rabbits, and anything fluffy. X3 but mostly dogs, since they are after all. Mans best friend. ;D


Definitely a hardcore Shawol! 

But I am also an Exotic(Exosphere?), Sone, Affxtion, Baby... And maybe a starlight? I don't really know. I'm usually more focused on SHINee and EXO. ^^ hehe.


»20 Random Questions

Summer or Winter?

In Malaysia, it's ALWAYS summer. So for me, I'd LOVE to see winter. :3 so it's winter for me.


Do you have a special talent?

Special? Talent? Um, I don't know if it's special, but I can play the piano...? Lol. X3 I love to act, sing and dance. I don't know if I'm talented in it, but I sure love to do it. Hehe. And I write lyrics. ^^ you could say that I'm a pretty musical person.


Do you think your a strong person?

Me? I think. It's a 50/50. Sometimes I'm really strong. In fact, I USED to be very strong. Like, I never cry when I watch a sad movie. At all. Then I fell in love.... -.- so yeah, recently I've been crying to almost every sad show I watch. But I'm still strong! TwT 


What are your phobias?

I haven't researched on what the name of my phobia is called, but I know for a fact that I am terribally afraid of deep water. Or in other words, I panic when my feet can't feel the ground underwater. :p it's just super scary! And I think I'm also afraid of small spaces, like tiny rooms. But it's not like I'm afraid of getting into the elevator, it's not that bad. :3


When do you feel the most calm?

When I do the things I love. Like singing, acting infront of the mirror (lol, I know that's wierd right?), and playing the piano. :3


What inspires you?

SHINee, and every Kpop idol out there who had worked hard! :3 I hope to succeed in my dreams the same way they have. I'd love to follow their steps. :)


What do you dislike about yourself?

My helplessness. Tbh, I never hated myself for anything. I seriously love myself a lot. But if there is one thing I don't like, it's how helpless I am in my current situation. I have so much of things that I want to do, but I can't help myself to do anything. I always need help from people who aren't always willing to help. That makes me angry, because I wish I was more independent. :/ 


What are your top 3 favorite color's?

Ummmmm...... Pink, pink and pink! :D lol. I just love pink. But, if I had to choose, I'll put in black and purple as my second and third. ^^


What are your hobbies?

Singing, dancing (in my room..), playing the piano, listening to music, writing fanfics. :D


What is your favorite subject?

In school?? Er...... I kinda find physics and additional mathematics very interesting to learn. :) unfortunately, I at them during exams. Lol. X3


What are the three of your current favorite songs?

Ooooooh.... Right now, I'm addicted to EXO's Dubstep Intro, CN Blue's Can't Stop... And IU's Friday. :D


What is your favorite day of the week?

Can I pick two? Hehe. Tuesdays and Saturdays! XD hahaha. Cause those are the days when I have acting classes. ^^


How would you describe your current mood?

Um... Normal really. Nothing special. A little annoyed cause I fought with my sister this morning, but apart from that... I'm a normal girl living my normal life doing a normal quiz. :3


What are your future goals?

Hollywood. Hehe. I'm not kidding. People say I'm crazy, and I'm just like... You wait and see.... 


What artists do you like?

SHINee!!! Jonghyun Jonghyun!! XD I mean, really. He's like the only guy I have in mind. Lol. But if you ask about actors... Then, I like James Franco. ;3 *wink* lol. And I love Leonardo Decaprio. He deserves an award. Oh my god, and Johnny Depp!


If you could travel back in time, Where would you go?

 The time I broke up with my ex. I wish I hit him harder....... ^^ /innocent smile/


 What artists do you dislike?

Ahahaha... Haha...ha.. /nervous/... Don't bash me. But really, I don't like T-Ara. I mean, their songs....


What is your favorite month?

Julyyy! My birthday! Hehehehe~


Do you believe in love?

Is this a question? I mean, seriously? Of course I believe in love! I just haven't found the right guy yet. :D but don't get confused! There is a line between real love and puppy love. I still believe that I haven't found real love yet, and all these times before I have only been in puppy love. ^^


What is a saying/ quote you live by?

Em, I really like to tell myself this whenever I'm down or feel sad. "Bad times will pass, and one day when you wake up, you will think, 'hey, I made it through'." It really makes me feel better. :3


Last beverage?

Err... Vitagen. :D who knows that drink? :D it's good for your tummy, and tastes great! To those who don't know that drink, it's like Yakult. A cultured milk drink. ^^


Last txt message?

When I wished my friend goodnight a few minutes ago. :D


Last song you listened to?

I'm listening to my headphones right now, and series of songs just passed by. Lol. But right now, I'm listening to SHINee's One Minute Back. ^^


Last time you cried?

This morning when I fought with my sister..... Okay fine! I AM a cry baby!! ToT


Ever been back with someone you’ve been with before?

Nooohohohoooo! Never gonna happen! XO lol.


Ever been cheated on?

Yessss. And I will forever thank him for making me realize how stupid I used to be. ^^


What is your personality?

Me? Cheerful.. I guess? Ask me friend, BangHana! XO she'll tell ya! Lol. All I know is that, I'm quite patient and calm. Hehe. But I am also pretty sensitive. But because I'm an introvert, I don't always show when I'm angry.


Ever Kissed someone and regretted it?

Damn.... It was supposed to be a secret....... TwT OF COURSE I REGRET IT!


Ever lost someone special?

Hm, not really. I mean, I have lost a few friends... But I got over them since I kept making new ones. I know, I'm a bad friend. :p it's not that I don't care, it's just.. Sometimes I'd rather move on. :3


Ever been depressed?

Im sure we've all had been depressed. :p I did when I was sixteen. I used to get so mad at everything around me and even gave up doing the one thing that I loved the most. Drawing. :/



»This year have you...


Made a new friend?

Yessss! And I'm really excited about it. They all are so different from my high school friends! :D it's really a cool experience. ^^


Met someone that changed you?

Emmm... Yes. My ex who cheated on me. :3 I have become a more paranoid person because of him... Lol. And also more careful when falling for a guy. :) but that wasn't this year..............o.o.. So no?


Do you want to change your name?

My real name? Maybe... Lol. It's a little long and...wierd. Like, I swear nobody has the same name as my real name. Haha. But I shorten it to Melisha. So it sounds better that way. Hehe. ^^


What can't you wait for?

For my next acting class! :D it's this Saturday. XD hehehehehe~


What were you doing at midnight last night?

Um... Watching videos. And writing fanfics. :3


When was the last time you saw your mother?

Just now. She just got back from a five hour journey back home here. I was so happy and hugged her tight! Hehe. X3 I missed her since she was away for two days.


The webpage you visit the most?

Oh my god... I just realized that I've been on AsianFanfics the most. Even more than Facebook. :O wow..


What is your relationship status?

Me? I'm in a relationship with my boyfriend Jonghyun. /blushes/ he just doesn't know it yet... Hehe. Lol. But really, I'm single. ^^


What do you worry the most over?

I worry a lot every single day about how much time I have wasted in my life. I mean, I really want to do so much, but because I'm so helpless, I just let every day go by without any achievement. It really worries. I don't want to grow old one day and think I wish I did that when I was younger. Do you know how scary it is to. Regret when your old??


First surgery?

I needed a surgery when Jonghyun proposed to be my boyfriend. ^^ haha. Nahh, I've never had surgery before.


First piercing?

When I was six, I think. I had to pierce my ears for earrings. :3 I don't remember what happened, but I remember being really happy when my mum bought me pink ruby earrings. They were so small and cute and I was just really happy. Haha.


First sport joined?

Um, swimming, when I was six I think. That was the time I found out that I had a fear for deep water. Lol. Even the instructor gave up on me. XD


Do you want kids?

Um, I really don't know. I guess I would. But really I never thought of that before. Hahahaha. Usually I just think about what kind of boyfriend I should get. My mind haven't gotten to marriage yet. Haha.


Do you want to get married?

Like I said before, I never tought about it. But as a normal sane girl, it's only natural to say yes. The thing about me is, I don't want to get married until I'm successful and have achieved all my dreams and goals. :D


What career do you want?

 It's no secret that I want to be a professional and international actress. But I also wish to be a korean idol. If it's possible that is. :3 I want singing, dancing and acting to be my career in life. 



»Ideal Type...



Im a girl... Obviously I love men. Hahaha.


Older or younger?

Older. Definitely older. I have dated guys younger before... Bad experience. ToT


Shorter or Taller?

Taller. But not too tall, cause I'm short. Lol.


Romantic or Spontainious?

Ummmmm.... I don't knowwww.. Romantic is nice, but sometimes they can be a little cheesy. But at the same time, spontaneous can bet awkward. :p aaaaaa.... It's hard. I guess it will all depend on how my guy decides to present himself. :)



Any nationality is fine with me. :) as long as he's a good man. <3


Lips or eyes?

Eyes. :) so that he can melt me with his loving stares.. Hohohohoh~


Appearance or Personality?

Personality. Ummm.... I'm probably fooling myself. Appearance is really important too, for me especially! XO hahaha. But really. If he has a great personality, I think he would be charismatic anyways. So I will go for personality. ^^



Well, there you go! I had fun with this quiz! :D

Feel free to steal this. ^^


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blxck_ #1
I'm stealing this! :D

And guys i'm telling you all, she can be quite hyper sometimes! XD and she can be very blur too. I had fun teasing her with my friend lol :p

But , I really loveeeeee her! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Arisa_Ameiru #2
Lol, I had fun learning more about you unni!~ xD OMGG I know Yakult! My brother lovees it! >:D In fact, I went to Malaysia last time I had a vacation in the Philippines & Japan! (I first when to Japan, then the Philippines) Well, it was like a 5 day stay in Malaysia! I should've seen you. (TwT) Lol, I didn't really know you at the time. XD