Trifactor Ulzzang Contest

Hey? Are you a talented ulzzang, model, or a pretty person? Even if you aren't all these, who knows, you might not just realise the true beauty within you and this beauty may be unleashed in the TriFactor Ulzzang Contest! :)

Their introduction:

Trifactor Ulzzang Contest is one of the two AFF contests that Odyssey Entertainment uses to scout trainees. This being the ulzzang contest sector, the winners of this contest will automatically become model trainees (or possibly idols trainees if they show large amounts of musical potential).  This contest will consist of  individual contestant photo rounds, team rounds (the teams will be assembled according to application order and judge decisions, and the teams will eventually have to compete within their own groups), and personality-check rounds.

If you have any talents like dancing, singing, or rapping, you can participate in this contest too. c: I'm also joining this contest, because why not? Give it a try and have fun, you might get the chance to meet new people and make new friends on here as well! 

so, if you're interested in entering this contest, CLICK ME! ^^



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