Plagiarization update

So, the user got banned from Wattpad and took the stories down, which she plagiarized (The Misfits and Taming the Beast by exoism).


First of all, thank you all for your help! I really, really appreciate that and can't thank you guys enough <3


But, on a more serious and sadder note, The Misfits from will only be available for my AFF friends for a whole while now, and so will The Misfits: Lost King and probably the whole Legends series.


No, I won't accept anymore friendrequests (I do make exceptions though but I decide who will I accept or not), in fact, I will remove some of my friends as well, since there are many, who I had accepted just like that.


The only stories that will be public for now are Two Moons and the other, shorter stories (Like Black Pearl, etc).


I will give you guys one last chance. If something like this will happen again, I will leave AFF and take down every of my stories and I probably won't come back.


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weird_fellaf #1
Then... It means that i can't continue reading The Legends and your other stories anymore? Aww... Too bad... But thank you for all the reading experience you give me, Author-nim... >v<
Good thing that user got banned. The nerve of that person to actually steal other people's work. >:c I really don't understand why some people do that. I don't have wattpad account so this came as a surprise to me. I hope you don't get to experience this again.
Plagiarizers! Tch! they really pissed me off! How can they blatantly copy someone else work! I really don't get them at all. Hmp I respect your decision authornim, you have every right to protect your stories 'cause I know you work really hard for it. Well, I guess, I need to wait until you make your stories public again so I can finish reading Misfits, if that's even possible,, I hope soo...

Fighting authornim
Keep writing great stories.. :)
I know it is painful to see your story plagiarised but please don't restrict it to people who won't plagiarise your story. I don't even write much, I just read and I definitely won't plagiarise your story because it's not my caliber. So please accept my friend request. I can promise you I won't do anything to your story but just read it.
Dianafer164 #5
Oh, maybe I have to read this before... I started to read the leyends and all before you only give permission to your friends, so I think I can't read it now ^^
I'm sorry for what have you pass. If something like that happens to me, I-for sure- could go crazy.
Well fighting Aka-autor-nim.
Hope that one day I can read this amazing story, with your authorization of course.
Have a nice day and I think that, just ignore my friend ...request?(not good in English. Sorry)
But I will keep it like that because i want to read the story.
Sorry if this bother you.
And I have to say that me too. I always have the idea of something different and when Exo debuted I feel that that something finally got an answer, I don't have the brain to write like you but surely you are doing it right, so damn right that you need to keep going.
Love and be yourself ^^.
Noooo omg ;; the misfits is my favourite story ;-; i was so scared for a moment because I couldnt access the story :( i hope you would accept my friend request authornim ><
I can't believe the whole "plagiarize" stuff... The Misfits is one of the best stories on AFF and I was going to re-read and found out that only your friend can access to the story... I am so pissed off too and the one who plagiarized your story should know how she/he made not only the author upset and sad but also those who are fans of your stories! We are with you and we will understand your decision no matter what:)
I was about to re-read misfits but this happened:( And I was planning to read the whole series because school isn't a blocker anymore but this happened. /sighs/ even other fics got plagiarized. I hope you will open it again because I'm really craving to read it:((
The first time I learned what "plagiarizing" was, I absolutely hated the idea of it. I mean, why take others' work and make it yours? Just why? I still don't understand why people do it. I hope that whatever happens in the future, you'll find somewhere safe so no one can plagiarize. :) himnae!
One thing I will never understand is why people plagiarize. Just because you won't put the effort into something doesn't mean that you have the right to copy someone else's work and claim it as your own. I hope that plagiarizers will wake up and realize that they've been doing is wrong. There should be a system that filters things being posted and makes sure that whatever's being posted hasn't been copied. T.T
I'm glad the user got banned from wattpad ^^ But, please don't leave T-T I love your stories too much >.< Tho, I would understand if you've had enough of the drama here. Real life dramas aren't as cool as those in K-Dramas and fanfics. But, dramas are just those hurdles we have to get thru in life (I dont really mind much when I have to face hurdles. Sure, I get hurt sometimes, but, thats life right? Every single moment in life should be grateful for because, even if they hurt and such, they give you the experience and morals). Anyways, I hope you can face all the obstacles set along your path! ^-^ It may seem too hard sometimes but keep fighting and, just maybe, you'll get what you've always wanted. FIGHTING!!! ^o^
Plagiarizers really piss me off. Not only are they insulting you, they're penalizing us. I totally understand your decision for making your stories private and I completely agree with it. I hate how the rest of us have to go through this because that person's too retarded. >.>
I guess we can't do anything else but wait. I hope you gain your confidence and trust again! :)
YourPrincessV #13
this totally pisses me off when someone is copying something from someone else! beeyotch! your stories are AMAZING! i was in the middle of reading the misfits and was planning on reading your legend series when school ends but now you locked them. i sent a friend request but after reading this i understand if you choose not to accept and wait it out. i'm sorry for what happened but i love your stories and i hope that you can, when you're ready, unlock them. and hopefully this time s like that one won't steal your stories. effing .