Rant, To someone who is not here

"I know I have been a ty girlfriend lately, I know you have all the reasons to hate me. I know that I have made you so goddamned upset by everything right now. But you haven't put the blame on me. But I really want you too. I love you with my heart and even more than that, and it breaks me and my own heart to see you this sad. It reminds me of when I first met you, when you were upset. 

I want to go back to the time when we started to date. When I was your escape and not the source of your troubles. And again, all I want to be is that escape. Because that made me feel special.

I don't blame you for being jealous, since what I see right now is making me feel jealous. And the other thing made me jealous too. But you know I only love you. Nobody else compares to you and I would do anything for you to make it better again. Don't bite your tongue with me, don't hold yourself back with me. But please, don't feel bad because of me because I am simply just not worth it. I don't even deserve to have you. And despite all our fights, these months I have spend with you have been the best months in my entire, pathetic life. 

You are the only one I have ever cared about enough to put your feelings and needs before mine. You're the only one who is, to me, more important than me. You are my entire world. My life circles around you. Your mood is my mood. You are connected to me and the biggest part of me. And nothing in the entire world will change that. "


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oh god
i feel like crying reading this
whatever you’re going through, i hope you’ll get the best