Life as a fangirl is hard

Its so damn hard to be a fangirl.

At first you fell in love with a awsome song you heard

Then you whant to know more abou them.

Then the part of feeling jealous because they look y and flawless.

Then you noticed you can't imagine to let those guys slip out of youre mind.

Then there is the problem that you have more then one bias and you need to ship them because you whon't feel sad any more

When the moment is there, that one of youre favorite otp is dating a girl thats is y and also flawless. Youre heartbroken, and desperately looking for another otp (even if thats hard)

Ther also will come a moment that youre the only one in youre city that loves kpop, so nobody knows where you talk about. And you need to hide those 'feels' (so me!, ugh i'm the only kpop fan in the whole school!)

This is the life of a Fangirl (in short, there will be more)





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