— ♚ enchanteur //Kim Nu Ri // The Siren


Hello, hello? Yes, this is Kim Nu Ri!

 Who are you?

` Jessy_The_Panda

` 7-8ish

` Jessy~



first face claim | Jiji
second backup face claim | Kim Min Seo
blood type | O
height  | 173cm
weight | 49kgs
style     | Very hipster like. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

 Let's Talk About You

` birth name | Kim Nu Ri
nicknames  |
+ Riri - Its a shorter version of her name
+ Sailor Mars - Out of all the characters in the manga/anime, Sailor mars is the one she is most like.

` birthdate    | May 23, 1994
age                 | 19
birthplace   | Seoul, South Korea
hometown   | Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity      | South Korean
languages    | Korean (Fluent.) English (basics, just what she learned in school.
) Japanese (Converstational. She still needs a translator.)


 Good to you~

personality | Nuri is many sided, quick both in the mind and physically. She is b with energy and vitality, She's clever with words. Nuri is intelligent and very adaptable to every situation and every person. Nuri curious and always want to know what's going on in the world around her. She's not one to sit back and watch the world go by, she wants to be involved. This can sometimes make Nuri seem nosy, she  doesn't mind their own business! This is because she really enjoys communicating, more so then most others, she's a social butterfly. Nu Ri can talk and talk, but she'll have interesting things to say, her talk is not mindless babble. She has interesting opinions and thoughts on things and are not afraid to speak her mind. She's always in the know and is the one to see for the latest juicy gossip. Lacking perseverance, she easily goes off topic to explore another thought or idea. Nu Ri is superficial, they will form opinions on matter without diving into them and exploring them fully. This can lead her into thinking they know everything, which she usually does but her mind is too busy to be concerned with fine details. Routine and boredom are Nu Ri's biggest fears. Nu Ri would rather be naive then know the depressing truth, She does not want anything putting a damper on her freedom or positive energy.

On stage, Nuri is bright, she enjoys what she does, and it is beyond obvious. She has passion, and tries her best to put it all into her work, but she can be a little scatter-brained. She tends to have several things going on at one time, orginization is not her strong suit.

On broadcasts, Nu Ri is charming. She knows how to keep a conversation going, She isn't the most witty member, but she has the loosest lips. Somebody who knows a lot of secrets from being nosy who can't keep secrets well is a very interesting person to talk to on broadcasts. Wouldnt you agree?
background | Nu Ri has always liked listening to music, it just never struck her as a possible career choice. Her parents were always pushing her to be something successful and stable. Like a nurse, or a teacher. Get married early was another goal her parents had for her. She was use to it, it never bothered her too much. It wasn't until she was fifteen when an SM agent approached her and talked to her about possibly auditioning for the company. When she approached the subject with her parents, her father was a bit hesitent, but her mother immediatly jumped on the bandwagon. Anything to one up the neighbors with their kids. She went to auditions later that month with her mother, and made it through, She definitely wasn't the best singer or dancer, but she had passion... and the looks. But after training, she improved signifigantly in her voice. Her dedication and her constant "support" (more like pushing for perfection) from her parents made it possible. During training, Nu Ri was extremely friendly and sociable, she made friends easily, but really only stuck to her clique. Never really going around and talking or making others feel welcomed. This is a competition after all.
likes | Socializing

  • Games (Boardgames, card games, outside games, stuff like that. But not riddles. She hatesthose.)
  • Pepsi
  • reality tv
  • mexican food
  • fashion
  • social media

dislikes  | Boredom

  • chinese food
  • sewing
  • potato chips
  • nuts
  • blueberries
  • gauges/pericings (a few are fine. But no gauges.)

hobbies | Socializing

  • surfing the web
  • yoga
  • listen to music

habits     | Whenever she is feeling stressed, she'll meditate

  • She tends to pick/bite the skin off her lip
  • She pops her knuckles before "getting down to business" to defeat the huns~
  • Because she peels and bites the skin off of her lips, she is constantly applying chapstick to them.

` trivia      | She is a HUGE fan of Brown Eyed Girls, with Gain being her ultimate inspiration

  • She has the entire transformation sequence of sailor mars memorized and does perform it on shows when asked to.
  • Most of the current cothing she owns that she has bought is from Seung Hyuk's mom's clothing store.
  • She is considered apart of the girl group 94 line. 
  • She is always impersonating her other members, and can do almost all of them on cue. 
  • Her favorite style of music is the pop/hip hop style. and pop rock. A fan of Block B, and CN Blue. (BEG falls into the R&B style.. which is something she usually doesn't like, but they seem to pull it off well according to her.)
  • Her favorite color is a minty green color
  • She also enjoys her sunbae SHINee.


family | Mother // Kim Seo Jung // 44 // Stay At Home

Father // Kim Young Chul // 47 // Treasurer of Shinhan Bank in Seoul Korea

Younger Brother // Kim Sung Ki // 15 // Student (He is pretty popular on SNS but not to the ulzzang point. He wants to be a Surgeon.) 
best friends | Ryu Twins (Hwayoung & Hyoyoung) // 20 // Solo(Hwa)  & 5ive dolls (Hyo) // They are the three musketeers pretty much. Though not always together, they are very close friends. Even with the twins being older, that doesn't stop them from acting the same age or even younger than Nuri. But usually she is acting that way first. They're those girls you'll see in the movies that are having the sleep overs, doing eachother's hair and nails. Theyre the girly kind of friends, though they do tend to rough around a bit, usually started by Hwayoung and Nuri.
friends | Krystal Jung // 19 // Fx

Sohyun //19// 4minute

Seung Hyuk // 22 // Apeace

Sehyun // 19 // Apeace

Suzy // 19 // Miss A

Jiyoung// 19 // Kara

Sulli // 19 // fx

Luhan // 23 // Exo 

Taewoon // 23 // Speed


love interest | Jungwoo (Speed)
age & birthdate | 23 & May 9, 1990
how you met | Hyoyoung actually introduced the two. Being good friends with the group, and the fact that Taewoon was tired of listening to him complain about not being able to meet any new girls, he asked Hyoyoung to introduce him to some girls. Which she decided that Nuri would be perfect to keep Jungwoo on his toes.
how you interact  | They have a back and forth relationship. It's hard to determin whether they like eachother or just like annoying the other. Nuri wont deny that he is attractive... Unless it is to him. Theyre constantly teasing each other, and like her and Seunghyuk, theyre pretty flirtacious around each other. But only when theyre in a group of friends. They never really hang out outside of groups. They do talk though outside of those hang outs.
relationship | Friendly flirtacious rivalry
` backup love interest | Kwanghaeng (Speed)

love rival | Song Seung Hyuk 
age & birthdate | 22 & July 30, 1991 
how you met | She actually met him before they both had debuted. She often shopped at his mom's store, and his mom and her mom would often talk together while Nuri would shop. It was actually the moms that introduced the two, and they were sort of awkward around each other at first, mainly not knowing how to act around each other because their moms were always around. After her second year of training, she and him switched numbers and started talking more.
how you interact  | She is the one who usually lectures him on taking care of himself because he seems to get injured all the time. Theyre very good friends at this point, theyre extremely casual around the other, and pretty daring in the public when it comes to flirting. When there isn't a camera around, they show a lot more affection, much more casually, and not to cause laughs. Even though most of their interactions only happen in Japan. In short their relationship is where you want the companies to just annouce that they are dating, even though the two havent even confirmed that theyre attracted to eachother yet. 
relationship | Really good friends, who just need to get together already or os the fans think. 
` backup love rivalHong Sungho (Apeace)

rival | ....(optional, cross out if you don't have any, rival must not come from SM)...
age  | ...
why are you rival | ...(also cliche will be accepted but I love more than that)...
how you interact  | ....(oncamera and offcamera)
backup rival | ...


 Whatcha' Doin Today~

group | enchanteur-j
stage name | Nuri
persona | The Siren
words of wisdom/your motto | Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.
personal fanclub name  | Fatale
personal fanclub color | Dark Red #8B0000 

position     | Lead Vocalist/Visual
second backup position | Triple Threat
third backup position | Lead Vocal/Main Dancer

how you get into sm ent.   | She was scouted outside of her school.
trainee years | 4 years
trainee life     | Prior to SM Entertainment, Nuri had no musical background what-so-ever, beyond her like of idol groups and bands. Being charming, she was able to manipulate her way to become better, playing to the better trainee's egos in hopes to get some help from them, buttering up the teachers so she would get extra time with them. It didn't work all the time, but enough for her to learn how to work at it herself as well. It took all four years and lots of practice to get where she was at. She lived with her parents during her training, still attending school, instead of living in the dorms with the other trainees. She wanted to quit many times, but her parents wouldnt let her. Telling her she made the choice and that they wanted a star in the family, not a quitter. After being promised to debut in Enchanteur, she was glad for the push her parents gave her. Because she wouldn't have been there with out them. 

singing twin | J-Min (Korean)
dancing twin | NS Yoonji
rapping twin | Nana
talking twin  | Seung Yeon

 Hello, hello, goodbye, goodbye~

comment | T-Ara is another group you could use as well! I don't even know... We've been here already, I said most of it in the first app, I just forgot about saying T-ara as another group that could be used (I was listening to lovey-dovey, which also inspired my love interest)
scene request | A scene in which Nuri brings some of her other members to go to the movies with her, The twins, and some of the speed members, and them teasing the crap out of Nuri and Jungwoo.

A scene in which the public thinks that she is dating, when in fact she just took her brother out to dinner and a movie. 

password | They love me cause I'm hot


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