Take a lookhere

Luhan was always a little different. He never made the effort to mingle around with people, especially when he was younger. Being the quiet kid at the orphanges doesn't do much good to him. Nobody wanted to talk or play with him. Though he didn't mind much. He always thought the children adhored him because he looked like a girl.

It was either that or because he was able to see fairies.

He couldn't remember the first time he had seen them exactly. They had always been there. He had grown up chattering away to himself as the adults looked on, in amusement at first, then, later, with concern.

As the years passed he had learned to lie convincingly. He knew he was the only one who could see them. Talk of fairies didn't was well with adults once you were past a certain age. There were no more of the knowing looking and fond smiles that came with infancy. Luhan didn't take it the wrong way, though. People didn't believe in what they couldn't see.

Over the years he had mastered the skill of ignorance and had led his life as per normal. Well, as normal as a person with the second sight would. He had studied and gone to Korea for a studies trip. It was during that trip that changed his life forever.

He would agree that being scouted and accepted into one of Korea's top entertainment agency was a big turning point in his life. But there was something even bigger then.

Waking up one morning and staggering towards the mirror of his hotel room the day after he was selected to join SM Entertainment, he saw what he really was. His eyes in their entirety was flooded black, as if with ink, sparkling eerily. The tips of his ears elongated and his skin has become a sickly greenish hue. Just like a fairy.

Of course, Luhan wasn't stupid. He had researched on things like this. And in that instant he knew what he was, and what he should do. His glamour his parents had given him had worn off, and now it's his turn to keep his identity hidden.

To the world, he's EXO's Luhan, a prince-like figure. But to himself, he's a monster.

Luhan was always a little different. Perhaps it was because he was a changeling.


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well ho
is this an idea for a new story of yours?
or this is just a drabble?
woww... though, i dont understand the part "Talk of fairies didn't
was well with adults once you were past a certain age." in paragraph 4 line 2-3. the "didn't was well" part to be exact.
Where on earth did you get this idea?!
i'm not exaggerating, I'm just bad at writing essays/compositions/stories
jason_jang12 #3