Before I go mad

There are many things that I want to say in here to relieve my frustrations, to get advice from people but I can't. Because it's too controversial and it'll hurt people. It's not even as serious as the divorce. The way I phrase things seems to mislead people at times, but it's not even your fault. It's mine, because of my phrasing. Hence I have to keep it in me and it's getting me crazy, I cannot forget what happened. Her face, the details of the incident and I have started making up details that aren't there. 


Isn't it weird? And saddening at the same time? I think I'd better go see a counselor to get my mind of things. I should forget everything, but I can't forget her. It is an obligation to not forget her, because she can't be forgotten. 


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If you don't think you can tell us about it, it's your choice. But when you are ready, just know you have people on here who will care and try to give advice. Right now, try to write it down in a journal. If you don't think you can phrase it right, then keep writing the same thing every day. Just keep writing about it and releasing your stress into the notebook. IF you don't want anyone to find what you wrote, rip it out afterwards and throw it away.
By the way, making up or forgetting memories isn't a bad thing or something's wrong with you. Our brains do it. There's a very interesting documentary/video on youtube that shows how people forget or make up facts about a scene because they don't remember or people tell them and they go along with it.
Emerald #2
maybe that will be the best for u, to go and see a counselor for now.
also don't worry about makin things up, people do that to comfort themselves sometimes.