
So, due to some issues that have arisen in my life, I might be taking a short hiatus.

My grandfather isn't doing well, and it has cause a huge shift in my life, not to mention, is was so sudden that I had no time to be prepared for it.

(Long story short: My grandfather now has dementia. Yesterday he woke up and didn't even know me. SO. I spent an hour crying to say the least.)

I don't really know when this hiatus will take place, but as of right now, I will not be updating anything. I just don't have any ambition to write at the moment, and I feel that it'll be half work if I try to force myself.

I hope you guys understand, this is just a hard time in my life, and I kinda don't want to do anything.

I'll try to come back as soon as I can, but until I return, please don't unsubscribe, I promise when I'm back updates will be somewhat regular again.



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I understand. I wish you strength for these hard times in your life and I hope your grandfather won't get much worse.