We're soarin', flying'

In three weeks I go on field work to Tenerife for my university course. Which involves a plane. My first ever plane ride without my parents with me. I'm a wimp.
Now, it's only four hours and I'm sure some of you guys have had much longer flights than that before, but please bear in mind that I have never liked flying... like it's my biggest fear in the whole world.
Now my Dad has just dropped another bombshell. Because my flght leaves at 9am and I need to be at the airport for 7am to check in and it's like a 3 hour drive, instead of taking me to the airport at like 4am he and my stepmum are just going to drop me at a hotel near the airport the afternoon before (LOL) and leave me there.
So I have to deal with the anxiety of my last night without flying alone. Alone... I'm meeting friends at the airport but it's still scary and terrifying...
Let's face it. I am so not sleeping that night... So I'm just going to take my tablet and read cute fluffy fanfics which give me secondhand embarassment and cause me to squee in fluff allnight to take my mind off the terror that awaits me.
24 days to go...
(Also apologies for the High School Musical reference in the blog post title. I couldn't resist it!)



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Aww jade himnae! But I shouldn't be one to talk lol I have NEVER been on a plane OTL farthest I've been is one state over and that was by car lol I had a chance to take a vacation with my sis to NEW YORK, EXPENSES PAID FOR and I turned it down bc I chickened out about the plane ride OTL
evangeline101 #2
omg I have this irrational fear of planes because I always think that my ears are going to pop due to the air pressure and bleed and ugh you shouldve seen me I look like I'm going to war...XD fluff is good fluff makes your heart burst into marshmallows
fluff is the answer to everything.
Bahahaha I clicked this blog cos I was like...
"hmmmm, would this be about HSM" Lololol...
My first ever plane journey was to New Zealand.
I had to travel from Portsmouth to Heathrow all by myself on a coach.
Wait at the coach station for an hour.
then wait hours at the airport.
I was ing bricking it.
and crying the whole time.
I had never been away from my mum and Josh.
It was the scariest thing I have done and the biggest.
I had nice flight attendants though.
So I feel your pain....*hugs*