Family Drama (No Updates)

I won't go into details but theres alot of family drama going on right now that I have to deal with.

I'm really sorry but there will be no updates this week.

Forgive me and please be patient! (╥﹏╥)



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Stay strong and take your time.
Just be safe !
Its ok. Please take care of yourself. I had to learn the hard way that sometimes your family can be your own personal poison.
Sorry author, those times are hard but you'll get through it (:
pinkgrey28 #4
No worries. Hope everything is fine :)
ohbyungjoy #5
Ofc babe i hope everything is gonna be ok! Take your time, we'll wait for your amazing work with patiance :))
mysoulisstarving #6
it's okay. we all got family drama...
It's okay sweetie, take your time. I understand how annoying and horrible family drama is. There's enough of that in my household -_- We will wait. Vixxen21 FIGHTING!!