My twin sister

I loathe her, it is probably not the best word to describe it. You really think we are going to be good friends? You really think that I am lucky to have someone look like me? I don't feel proud to be a twin. I sincerely hate her flaws. Everytime I hear her airy voice, I hate it, I put on my earphones to block them out. Only to be reminded that I have the exact same voice that some other people may hate. Everything of her reminds me of my flaws, so annoying. A real life mirror reflecting your flaws. 


I do not have the same personality, why wouldn't people understand? We are two different people, even if we are identical twins. Genes wouldn't determine your personality. Even when we grow and I see how our faces are different, people still do not know. The flaws, she is whiny, unappreciative. She whines about her performances, she does not want to perform, when I am dying for another chance. She does not understand why I want to be a professional, she does not know what to do if I faint. She just looks at me. What? What am I supposed to do? Even then I can hear her voice, I can feel her eyes drilling holes on me. 


I do not want to have her friends, nor will I let her have my friends. She irks me. This is why when there was a choice to go to a different secondary school, I tried to apply for my dream school, not the same school with my teachers. They still try to convince me to go to her school jokingly, because the books are cheaper, the facilities are better. Even though I didn't go to my dream school, but it is okay without her. It has been years since I am not referred to as someone's twin, and I would like to keep it that way. 


Despite the flaws, I remember the times when people liked her voice more than mine. She was singing a Chinese song and people thought that she sang well. I sang a Japanese song and they didn't say anything. I thought I would be credited for singing in a different language. My father calls me out for singing Korean songs when 'singing Chinese songs can help improve your Chinese'. But this is my preference and I would prefer to keep it that way. Be refered to as the best dancer in the studio, or the state, even the country. Be thought of as a good singer who is entirely different from my sister, though our voices are similar. What if the guy I liked back then had liked my sister instead? Wouldn't that be embarrassing? 


I think I got more distant from her when we started going to different schools. But it's okay, because I do not want a childish girl tagging me along, trying to make friends with my friends, and attracting the guys that I like. When I say childish, I cringe because I am reminded that if she is childish, then I am one too. 


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Emerald #1
one more thing, friends are people, they have their own personalities as well, it is their choice to be whose ever friends they want to be. don't hold people in and don't push people out, let whatever is supposed to happen, happen.
Initial reaction was: YOU HAVE A TWIN? I can see why you didn't mention her, or perhaps you did I didn't read that one. If you dislike her, it's your preference.
I can't possibly imagine what it is like to be compared to someone all the time, simply because you look the same. I can relate in some part, but I believe this situation is very different, because at my school I have a "twin". People always compare us in terms of looks and also personalities, but I don't deal with that all the time. We make a joke out of it and switch names when we meet new people.
It doesn't seem like you'd want to do that, which is fine. You don't want to be her; you are not her. Which brings me to the last sentence. You said it yourself, she's not you; she's not like you. So if she is childish, that doesn't mean you are. Really. You're handling this not-yet divorce between your parents great, you're still doing dance and appreciating it.
I see that you're afraid or insecure(?) about her coming and stealing your life, but that's a power she won't have if you don't give it to her. I recommend not shooting her down straight, but let her know: these are your friends. And if she really is childish and whiny, they'll see that and see "Oh, they're twins but they're not alike! I definitely like her (you) better". I promise your friends aren't going to see her and fall in love. They'll stick by you.
Emerald #3
twins don't STEAL your friends, etc. and even if they do try and be your friends friend, they want to be like you, because they admire you
Emerald #4
i actually have a twin sister as well, but we are fraternal so i will not be able to understand ur pain. but sisters are sisters afterall, when somethin u hate cannot be gotten rid of u need to learn to accept it.
my twin and i are different. we love each other more than anything else in the world. we like to have other people compliment the other. we like to be referred to as the other sometimes, cause sometimes it means that we can be slightly credited by the other's good points.
i'm the elder, the younger can be childish, but that is just why i love her. i want to go back to those days when i didn't need to care about anything. to a certain extent, i want to be like her a little.
when u start to distant from someone, it isn't because u may hate them or anythin, it is because you CHOSE to, and when u choose to distant urself from someone, u r distancing away from everyone else.
the concept is: when you hurt someone, u get hurt two times worse