EXO QUIZ! (Stolen >:3)

1. Favourite member in EXO?

taokyungsoolaykailuhanbaekhyunsehunkrischenchanyeolxiuminsuho *grinning like an idiot*

Okay okay fine -.- *sigh*

I''ll choose my panda Tao <3 <3

2.How many pictures of EXO do you have?


My current wallpaper is Lay's picture <3 

3.Have you ever switched your favourite member?

Pshhh Always :( 

4.Cutest member:

The eldest but looks like the youngest , XIUMIN! <3 <3

*I got distracted by Tao* lol

5.Hottest member:

What is this question? XD OBVIOUSLY ITS THE ALMIGHTY DEMIGOD KAI! XD THAT GOD lol *slapped*

Damn it *drools* I'm so gonna find you and make babies with you !  >w< 

Byuntae mode activated.

6.Member you would like to marry and why?

Kyungsoo! :3 Because he's a caring guy. :'3

7.Members you would like to date:

Tao :D 

8.Member you would like to have as your best friend :D

Chen the troll :D

9.Member you would like as a pet and what pet would he be?

Baekhyun , a cat! <3

10.Prettiest member:

Of course its Luhan. :D

11.Best Singer:

I'm in love with Kyungsoo's voice ^^

12.Member you think is most similar to yourself?

Uh.. I dunno. Xiumin? O.O

13.Member you found yourself getting jealous of and why?

Luhan.Because he is prettier than me :(

*Luhan came out of nowhere*


hmm. A man... I see. :P 

14.Best Dressed Member:

Uri Laxy oppa, Kris <3

15.Funniest member:

Baekhyun! XD

16.Weirdest couple:

SeKai >.<

17.One TRUE pairing #1:

KaiSoo <3

18.One TRUE pairing #2:

BaekYeol :3

19.Favourite song:

Baby Don't Cry ! :'3 

20.Favourite music video:

Growl. They are y :* :*

21.Favourite dance moves and by WHO:

That.. That one in What Is Love MV by Kai. That y little shiettt <3 <3 



OMG why this question? T.T Why ? :'(
I can't do this.. OTL

1.Tao 2.Kyungsoo 3.Lay 4.Kai 5.Luhan 6.Xiumin 7.Baekhyun 8.Chanyeol 9.Chen 10.Suho 11.Kris 12.Sehun

*gets pelted by tomatoes by Sehun's fangirls*

His face reminded me of someone I had a crush on and then I got rejected by him (lol) and that jerk made fun of me.

But really, I do not hate Sehun. I love him as much as I love the others ^^ 


I'm out of here.

Bye Bye!


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That Kai gif ... Eureurong! Hahaha! MUST.CONTROL.OUR.HORMONES. Buuuuut no thanks! Ahahaha!
OMFF-- dang girl! My byuntae mode is activated because of your answer xD
Kai asdfghjkl calm down hormones! ><
You want to marry Kyungsoo? Whut? *crack knuckles* Hahaha just kididng ;p
looooooool derp mode activated! xD
(my favorite all the time the last gif heuheuheu *chen's troll laugh*)