EXO Quiz. (Stolen! :D)

1. Favourite member in EXO?

Uhhhh..... Chen! O-O

2.How many pictures of EXO do you have?

Not many actually, cause my phone in storing photos. T-T but I have about three or four I guess?

3.Have you ever switched your favourite member?

Yes! Of course! I am constantly rotating in a circle between Chen, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Kai and Suho. OTL.

4.Cutest member:

I would say Baekhyun cause of his cute aegyo's. ><

5.Hottest member:

KAI! :O have you seen him danceeeee?? Asdfghhjklouggtvrhfeg!!

6.Member you would like to marry and why?

Aaaah... I think Suho will be a good husband. :) ihihihihi..

7.Members you would like to date:

Chanyeol! :D cause he's talkative and friendly. Opposite of me, so things won't get to awkward. ^^ I'd also date Luhan cause he's so sweet and gentle. Lol. 

8.Member you would like to have as your best friend:D

Tao! Cause he seems like an understanding person. :D

9.Member you would like as a pet and what pet would he be?

Aigoooo... Xiuminnn! As a rabbit! XD lol.

10.Prettiest member:

Lol. Definitely Luhan. Hahaha. X3

11.Best Singer:

Chen. :) he's voice is really lovely. ^^

12.Member you think is most similar to yourself?

Suho. I'm pretty soft hearted and naive at times. Lol. And I took a few online quizzes about which exo member am I like, and three of them answered Suho. Lol. XD

13.Member you found yourself getting jealous of and why?

Baekhyun.. Cause he only trained for one year before debuting. I wish I could train and debut as fast as him. :3

14.Best Dressed Member:

I do t really know.. I haven't noticed their dressing. But I like chanyeols obsession in hats. I like hats too. Keke. ^^

15.Funniest member:

Kris! Lol. He really cracked me up in EXO SHowtime! Hahahaha! 

16.Weirdest couple:

I don't really ship.. But I think the weirdest couple is HunHan. Idk why. Sehun and Luhan... They don't fit for me... O.o

17.One TRUE pairing #1:

Uhh, i really ship pairings.... ToT but I have to say, TaoRis is okay for me. Lol.

18.One TRUE pairing #2:

There's more?? :O um um... BaekYeol is okay too I guess..

19.Favourite song:

For now I'm really obsessing ove their song Machine. :D but I like their other songs too. ^^

20.Favourite music video:

Growl! The dance version. The dance is amazinggg! 

21.Favourite dance moves and by WHO:

Oh purlease! Every move by the one and only y God Kai is a-ma-zaaaiing! He makes my nose bleed... TwT


OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! The evil questionnnn! But I'll do it anyway, in tears! ToT

1. Chen 2. Chanyeol 3. Kai 4. Baekhyun 5. Suho 6. D.O 7. Luhan 8. Xiumin 9. Tao 10. Kris 11. Sehun 12. Lay. 

T-T there! Happy? /cries in a corner/

Haha. But really, I love them all. No rankings needed. ^^


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blxck_ #1
btw can i steal this? :D
blxck_ #2
Loooll whut?! Lay?'s like the cutest member (for me) how could you /flailing like an octopus)
xD haha butihavetoagreeaboutsehun. :p
k bye xD
i seriously dont know whut im talking about /bricked/