School is killing me but...

Guys why is school so hard???? I'm currently failing 3 of the 4 classes I'm taking so I've been extremely busy trying to bring those graes back up. I HAVE TO PASS MY CLASSES, guys. It's so stressful.

Anyway, this is why my updates have been so crappy since last semester (getting sick and failing those classes too).

I have a goal to get some of my stories updated before I got to B.A.P LOE in NY.

That means by April 10th the majority of my stories will have a chapter up.

'Hidden Love' and 'If You Ask Me What Happiness is...' will be the first to have new chapters up based on demand. SO THOSE WILL DEFINITELY BE UPDATED BEFORE THAT DATE. 

I will try my best to update the rest of my stories once I have those two stories updated.

LOVE YOU SUBBIES <3 Thanks for always sticking with me.


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Hey there~
Don't stress yourself too much, 'kay? :3
School is important (keeps me busy too, right now... Preparing for finals and stuff)
And I don't think you will get anything done if you stress yourself now because of your FFs ._.
Don't get me wrong, I'd really like to read a new chapter but I can understand that it's hard at the moment... And I don't think anyone will kill you if you can't upload in time... ;)
Take your time ♥
I'll stick around for sure, even if the next time you can upload will be next year o.o

Ouh and... Have fun at the B.A.P concert :33 I'll be attending it too but in Germany \(*-*)/