This is a problem...

I always end up with good ideas for my stories when I'm out and about doing things so I always end up writing random bits of a chapter in my phone, on random scraps of paper and napkins. Then when I want to finish it, I have to go on a mad hunt for all those places I put them -_-

Why do I do this to myself? I should invest in a mini notepad or something. Sigh. 

P.S. For those of you reading 'If You Ask Me What Happiness Is...', I was bawling while writing. Why is this story so sad? I'm the author, I know where I'm going with it, so why is it making me cry? Ugh. 

ALSO if you haven't already, please go like Madison Bickel's comment here (click me) (and tell your friends) so she can win a chance to meet Block B. It takes two seconds and it would make her life!!!! <3


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