Goodbye Compaq, Hello Acer

After 4 years, my Compaq laptop finally died the other night~ I was so frustrated because I wanted to study that night and wanted to use the laptop to take the test the next night~

Because of the circumstances, I had to take the test in the office instead and luckily, I managed to pass.  The bad side? I left the office at around 8pm.  The security guard was like "Ma'am Jess! We saw each other this morning and now we see each other again!!!"

So to say... I was in the office for more than 12 hours!!!!

Luckily, the next day was my transition off.  Luckily, my dad just retired and got his retirement money.  I was able to buy a new laptop which is Acer and it's a touchscreen!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!! 

I was tempted to buy the Lenova Ideapad but it looked soooo.... thin~ and I'm kind of a heavy user~ I dunno... I liked it but afraid to use it~ lolz  so I bought the Acer Aspire instead.

I know there are better laptops or notebooks or tabs or whatever out there, but I'm happy with this.  As long as I have something to study on and that the screen is wide enough for me, I'm contented ^_^

I'm sorry I haven't been updating my fics.  There's just so much studying going on.  It's very tiring since I have to work at the same time too.  My brain is like exhausted by the time I finish work and begin studying or taking a test... sigh~

Well, I just updated you with a bit of my real life stuff.  Hope you guys are doing better than me~



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woah~ congrats for the new laptop~ :D
i really love the 'bwahahahahhaaa~' part~ :P
I'm so happy for you! Both for the new laptop and the passing of the test. Well I can't say I'm doing much better... exams are in May and if I don't pass I don't get into Uni... so I kind of have to be on constant go all the time. Stupid Math and Physics, I'm tired of them now. But hope you'll get more time to rest and feel better :)
Aww. Well, we have to say goodbye to somethings before welcoming new ones xD
Glad that you are happy with the new device, hun :3