Regarding Zelo Robot and other projects.

I know I warned about being busy this month or was that MONTHS ago? 


Anyway, I am still working on Zelo Robot but I have not decided exactly where I want the story to go from it's current standpoint. So I have been writing it on and off for awhile. Most the times I end up scrapping the chapter for something else because I just CAN'T DECIDE! 


Also, I have written almost a whole story with B.A.P. as vampires. I haven't went through it to spruce it up or even split chapters, but it is nearly done. And I will start posting that when it is done that way I have something to post weekly. ^^.... 


And BEGINNING TODAY. Maybe  I have a Himchan biased fanfic that I thought of while just SEEING him in a tux. I haven't decided if I want to do this "casually" like Zelo Robot or actually clean cut this one with italics and what nots... 


Just wanted to let my subscribers know to not worry and that I'm still here! I just have many conflicts with what to do lately.


And regarding the one shot request for Youngjae, I had scrapped it but I may pick it back up again. Sorry Q~Q 


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I'll be patient then :) anything you write it perfect and who has simply one bias in B.A.P XD -huggles-