The EatYourKimchi Issue

So I've been seeing lots of blog posts on the EatYourKimchi issue. 


1.) EYK first tweets,
@eatyourkimchi: What’s your fav kpop fanfic? Send us a link to it and we juuuuust might use it for an upcoming video ~(^◇^)/

2.) Kpop fanfic community panics and goes all rough on EYK.

3.) EYK then tweets
@eatyourkimchi: Fanfic community: be at ease. We won't use anyone's fanfics without the author's permission. Fair? :)

After seeing a fair bit of posts, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and post my view on this issue.

1.) I absolutely dislike EYK.
EYK is known for their insensitive posts towards kpop. I would say, infamous. They insult kpop groups frequently. Some people think it's funny. Well, I don't. Their jokes are pretty bordering on rude to me. I don't want people insulting other humans like that, especially when those humans do nothing wrong but provide music and entertainment for us. Ever since I saw their post on VIXX's Voodoo album, I frown upon them (Especially since they said the music wasn't very nice. I thought that the album pretty much confirmed VIXX's unique sound. Especially since most kpop groups don't have their own sound.) I would say EYK used to have some good in it, but have since declined when they started to use jokes that are just downright rude. Especially the B.A.P one.
Basically, their opinions are harsh and it is meant to poke fun at the content. And base line, I don't like them. (But I guess some people still think they're funny?)

2.) Despite the dislike, you should trust them (?)
Yes, I absolutely am disgusted by EYK. But they've tweeted that they won't use any fanfic without the writer's permission. I think we should at least give them the benefit of doubt. The fanfic community needs to trust stuff. Until you have evidence of them going against their word, then at least try to trust them? I know plagiarism is pretty common but just wait and see, okay?
I know it's not 100% confirmed that they will seek out the writer to ask for permission (I mean, they give me the vibe that they don't give a flying about the author) but unless this thing happens, just don't go bat on them and hate on them immediately (even though I already do, but that's beside the point.)

I've seen writers putting their stories to subscriber's access or friend's access only. I've even seen people deleting their stories altogether. I understand that this is to prevent themselves from getting hurt. It's to prevent from being thrown at their stories. You can't blame these authors. They want to safeguard their work - and themselves. Is that wrong? No.

My suggestion?

If you're a reader, and you have this urge deep within you to recommend some fanfic, at least get the writer's permission. The fanfic is created by the writer. And the writer has rights, okay? He-She definitely has rights to his/her own creation. Don't just go recommending everywhere and just spreading without the writer knowing. That's just rude as hell. If the writer says yes, go ahead. If the writer says no, it's a no. Respect the writer and his work. But if EYK does end up making fun of your favorite fanfic, then good luck to you. Because you just tore the writer and his work in half. Yes, your favorite fic gains popularity. But it's not good popularity. Your fave fic gets infamous. And infamous=Negative popularity. No writer wants that, trust me. And consider the fact that they might not give a damn about the writer. Meaning that they won't seek out the writer to gain permission. They won't give a damn about the writer's feelings. Keep these in mind before doing some .

If you're a writer, and you have a reader asking permission, consider these two things first. 
1.) Your fic has a chance of getting chosen. Do you trust EYK? 
What if they insult your fic? Can you bear that?
2.) Are you gonna be a sore about it?
If you don't mind, then go ahead. I don't care if your fic is being made fun of, tbh. I don't give a damn. It's not my fic. If you mind, then decline the request. 

For now, ignore EYK. This thing hasn't been confirmed anyway. EYK said that they might use it. Keyword: might. They might just stop this whole thing altogether because the kpop fanfic community has gone bat over this. 

And while I'm at it, let me just link you guys to conchobar's post on this issue. His thoughts are in-depth and he analyzed things well. Just to give you guys another perspective to this thing.



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tbh i was a fan of them before. i liked their videos, the old
ones but then their comments became much more.... insulting with their
recent videos and it's not even funny anymore.
i have come to dislike them now tho.
baekrishann #2
is this tv program..i mean EAT your Kimichi..i am sorry i don't really know it :)