Fair Enough?

What I did in the first part of my previous blog is basically what this girl is saying about "how the internet works." I linked the retweet because according to them, "that's how the internet works".

That was so mean of me right? 

Because that's how it feels when someone links your fanfic without your permission. For me, fanfics are different from movies and books. Even though they are posted online, these fanfics are posted in a site dedicated for asian fanfics - which somehow limits it accessibility. Those who don't read fanfics or don't know what fanfics are will not know about them. But by making it available in a public video, your fanfic will be exposed to a larger audience who may not understand why we do what we do. I don't want to be criticized by the very people I am avoiding. I posted my stories here and not in facebook for this reason. We are not paid to write, we write as a hobby, as a form of expression, it's personal.

And I feel like there should be restrictions on what they can do with with our fanfics.

AFF is our "agent":

"You hereby appoint us as your agent with full power to enter into and execute any document and/or do any act we may consider appropriate to confirm the grant of rights, consents, agreements, assignments and waivers set forth in these Terms of Use."

And if third party submissions refer to User Submissions which include: stories, photos, videos, links to 3rd party sites, message, comments and communications

then they still need our consent

5. Use of Site Content

"You shall not sell, license, rent, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, publish, adapt, edit, create derivative works from, or otherwise exploit any Site Content or third party submissions or other proprietary rights not owned by you, (i) without the consent of the respective owners or other valid right, and (ii) in any way that violates any third party right.

Just correct me if I didn't understand this part of our ToU ^^

This should have been resolved when eatyourkimchi appeased the writers by saying they will ask permission.

But why did they have to retweet that right after? For me it meant that, "We don't have to ask permission but we will." Why? Because they are nice? I have reason to be skeptical about this based on their recent videos. Why do they need links to fanfics? Had they explained what they will be using it for, I doubt the fanfic community would have reacted the way they did. Fanfic authors have the right to know. Fanfic authors have reason to lock their fics and to request their readers not to link them. 

If you don't feel the same way, then that's okay. Go ahead and tell your readers that it's okay to link your stories. But never expect everyone to do the same. They have reason to feel protective over their works.

Just a reminder: I have an opinion. I take sides. I always take sides. 

"You may think I've gotten over myself, but I did hear myself saying this once,

I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim - Ellie Wiesel

His version is just better. Hahaha. You know how I can't seem to shut up. And I do take sides. imsosofia once told me that it is either I'm bored or have a low tolerance for injustice. I do not claim that I am always right. But I do try to disagree without being disagreeable. I am not the nicest person here but I am not mean, or I try not to be. Expect that I would make mistakes, that I would annoy you at some point if I haven't already, but remember that I am trying to be a better person every day. I hope everyone will try with me."

- Keeper, June 9, 2013


I am a fanfic writer. I am biased. If you are not okay with that, I can't do anything about it. This is me. I just want to make it clear that I post what I want, what I feel strongly about. "I do not claim that I am always right. But I do try to disagree without being disagreeable. I am not the nicest person here but I am not mean, or I try not to be. Expect that I would make mistakes, that I would annoy you at some point if I haven't already, but remember that I am trying to be a better person every day. "



- Keeper


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At least you reason with your argument, and you stood up to me with that. Now I totally understand your side better, and that AFF terms and conditions brings up a good point.
I know how you feel. I would not want my fanfics posted on Youtube, Twitter, Tumblr, anywhere outside AFF and especially without my consent. I'm very shy about who can access my stories and I just only want to share them with a group like in the AFF community is all. I don't understand why some people get mad at authors for not agreeing with Simon and Martina on this, we all think differently. If they don't mind sharing their fics, well good for them. But not every author is going to follow said author's lead and agree with them.
I love reading your blogs *smile*
I hope, you are feeling better.
I know how you feel. That's all I can say. Fanfics are really a topic that are quite sensitive and using someone's fanfic that is written with effort for a video without the consent is just plain insensitive.
"The fame I'd get for participating in this is not worth losing friends/credibility in the writing community over".
Really? I write to be read. It'd be awesome to reach so much people with my story. Does that make me a fake author? Am I a traitor to the craft? I understand that EYK is controversial and they're not popular with everyone, but as always, if you don't like it, don't watch it/ listen to it / read it. All of my favorite authors but one has locked/deleted their fics (which, I can't say enough, I completely understand and support as I feel like an author should always have full control over their work) - and this has made me feel like a fame-hungry sell-out. If all the great authors are doing it, why don't I feel the same way?

One part of me finds it heart warming to see how tight-knit the community is. I've seen so many readers on twitter and tumblr express their gratitude towards writers, and I've seen how protective they are of their favorite stories. That is awesome.
But while they're saying that, they're also casually telling me how awful EYK is and how NO ONE IN HIS RIGHT MIND would let them review or publicize their fanfic. While that is ultimately up to the author to decide.

Wow long rant. I've wanted to make a blog post about this myself but I like your blogs - you seem to think things through before you post and you have an eloquent way of stating your opinion, which I love.
I think EYK is getting a lot of flack for something they haven't even done yet. While I understand and support authors who have decided to lock their fics or journals temporarily, I don't believe EYK would've used a fanfic without express permission from the author (after that whole fan-art issue, I think they would've learned their lesson).

It makes me uncomfortable, how some people are handling this situation and the comments they make about it. 'Why would you want to get reviewed by them when they're known to bash and ridicule band x and y" - because even though they have a lot of viewers, they still give their honest opinion on something. I know some of the jokes EYK makes haven't been received well, but they have never 'ruined' a song/band that I liked with a negative review. Sometimes I agree with them, sometimes I don't. Also, EYK are both english majors and I'd love to get feedback from someone with that background. Yes, even if it's negative feedback. Although i don't believe for one second they would use a story they didn't like themselves - I think it's more about recommending fics than anything. But only time will tell.

"Fanfics should be kept private and idols watch EYK and now your bias might read your story". As if bands aren't aware of fan fiction yet? If they want to read it, they'll know where to find it, especially when it's posted on a website like AFF. Also, I don't understand why it wouldn't be relevant for EYK to talk about it. It's related to kpop and the kpop experience, and they enjoy reading fanfiction themselves (as Martina mentioned a few times in their videos), so why wouldn't they be allowed talk about it, if they were given permission by the author?

I've seen many authors on twitter say that "they only write for fun, not to get reviewed/bashed".
Well I do. I want people to point out the flaws in my work. I want to get better and I wouldn't mind getting some pointers from someone with a literary background.
byunbebek #7
i dont know eyk but really understand fanfic world.... somehow we want fic become popular but only within those who enjoy fanfic....we dont want those who dont know about ff judge us....
wow.. they are so into kpop even entering the fanfic world? Are they running out of ideas in music videos? I mean I watch EyK every now and then the retweet is a contradiction what what they are trying to say. hmmnn.. fishy.fishy.