Chapter 10

So chapter 10 in a back talker's secret will have to be cut in half because i wrote down the other part to chapter 10 in my school notebook(i write in random papers lol) and i haven't found that notebook yet after it disapeared! I've looked through my locker and backpack and can't find it! i looked under chairs couches in my house and can't find it1 i think someone stole it:( its so embarrasing if they read what i have in there lol just random notes about a fic and constant reminders to update haha but need to find that to update the chapter correctly, because i could try now, but it might not be what i originally wanted...


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dbsk5Lover #1
haha~ I think it must be embarrasing if someone read what was we wrote moreover it was fanfic * you know what I mean*... I cant imagine it if IT was your parents (except they take it easy)..^ω^
I just hope that not the reason to not update hehe~ *Im not to harrash right??*