The Letter My Friend Wrote To My Parents

Omg, can't stapah laughing! So my friend wrote a letter to my parents, cos they won't let me hang out in the city with them, they aready said NO and dad said if i ever ask again i'll be grounded for the rest of the year. Anyway I found the letter so good i decided to post it. So hopefully when my parents come home and read this I might be able to go? Engh who knows....

Dear Mr & Mrs Tan,

I am Nikki, one of your daughter Amanda's closest friends. I am writing to you because it has recently come to my attention that you have not allowed Amanda to participate in a weekend catch-up together with friends. I would like to clear up some misconceptions and worries that you may have about your daughter going to the city.

Firstly, Perth city is most definitely a safe city. Also, the city is only a mere ten minutes away from the Churchlands/Innaloo locality. There is absolutely no reason that you should worry for Amanda's safety or wellbeing while she is in and goes to and fro the city. Personally, I have been catching buses to and fro the city, in solidarity, since late primary school. I am also often in and around the city area completely by myself. In the numerous years that I have been doing so, I have never once seen or experienced any acts of danger or possible threats of harm. In fact, Perth city and the close suburbs surrounding it have been proved as the safest areas of Perth and Western Australia. Furthermore, your daughter is an extremely smart and capable fourteen year old whom can aptly take care and look after her self. Amanda is almost fifteen and has been a teenager for quite a while now. At this age, she is legally classified as a mature youth- this means that she is fully capable of thinking for herself and taking responsibility and care in her actions. If all other teens her age and even younger are allowed to spend time in the city, I don't see why Amanda is not. I believe that this is quite unfair for her. Also, I would like to inform you that my mother works in the city so if there is ever any trouble then she will only be a short stroll away. There will most likely be a large group of friends that will go to the city with Amanda so I can surely say that safety is the least of your worries. If the group of friends is not large then she will still be safe. I will personally look after your daughter and stay with her wherever she may go in the area. I have gone by myself or with just a single friend many times in the past, spending many hours, in the area and nothing unsafe has ever happened. I can absolutely assure you that Perth city and it's surrounds are perfectly suitable and safe for your daughter to be in.

It has also come to my attention that Amanda not being allowed to go to the city and catch up her friends is having negative repercussions on her part. As all her friends are planning the weekend catch up and discussing other plans Amanda sits to the side, as quiet as ever, and looks solemn. As a good friend of her's, I have noticed this happen on many occasions and have asked her about her differentiating behaviour. Usually your daughter is an exuberant and talkative young woman, never down or unhappy. Lately, however, I see her not smiling or laughing. Her expression has changed and she doesn't seem as talkative or open as she always is. I can clearly see that Amanda feels extremely excluded from the group and as a result this has changed her mood in general. Whenever I query her or ask her why she isn't acting like she used to, she sometimes becomes upset or angry. Observations made from these scenarios tell me that her mental and emotional health and wellbeing is being affected negatively because you are not allowing her to participate and take part in normal weekend activities. I really dislike seeing one of my best friends being excluded or feeling down. My concerns are for her wellbeing and I wouldn't pursue anything that would be hurtful or harmful to her.  I am only acting in what is the best for Amanda.  

Furthermore, I seem to understand that you allowed your daughter roam the streets of Singapore alone and supposedly you think that Singapore is much safer than Perth. The city of Singapore is many times larger than Perth. Amanda could have gotten completely lost somewhere in the expanse or could have been harmed in the vast crowds of people in the metropolis. Perth city is extremely small and there is no way that one could possible get lost. Also, police are stationed around every street corner and officers patrol the area regularly. I believe Perth city is one of the safest places one could be in. There is no apparent need to be concerned about safety while being in Perth city. 

In Conclusion, I hope that I have cleared up some possible misunderstandings about Perth and the city. I am in no way insulting or against the way that you parent your daughter, in fact, I strongly believe that you are perfectly capable and great parents. I am simply expressing my views and opinions in the greatest interests of your daughter. I would also like to say that these are all my own words and Amanda had no involvement in the writing of this. This was simply an idea of mine. Lastly, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this. I am truly grateful for your time. Thank you.

Kind regards,



Pretty good huh?



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That is awesome :)
I didn't know you lived in/near Perth, I live on the other side of Australia.
Arisa_Ameiru #2
LOL, your friend is daebak! XD My friends would just shrug it off or something. xD She's a good persuader. If you were my daughter and I read that, I would let you go, LOL. xD
"The city of Singapore is many times larger than Perth." Help me tell your friend, Singapore IS a 'city' XD SO CUTE