
As I think about Christianity and dance more, I have come to the conclusion that I am not a Christian anymore. Going to church wouldn't make me go to Heaven, loving God is what makes us go to Heaven. If I do not love God, why am I going to church? They can tell that I don't enjoy worshipping a God. It's not that I don't believe the things that happened in the Bible was true, it's just that I can't accept that being a Christian means sacrificing many things, including dance. 


Perhaps one day when I feel "God's love" I will sacrifice dance. What attracted me to dance was how my instructors treated me, they sincerely cared. One day when I truly understand the doctrine like how "true Christians" does, then I might be saved, I may go to Heaven. When I make this stand, I might go to Hell. But I know that I shouldn't be a hypocrite and continue going to church, it won't get me to Heaven anyway. 


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I'm still stuck on why people think one would have to sacrifice dance to receive God's love. He loves us anyway, whether we're of the world or not.

If you wanna dance, dance. God will give you the desires of your heart, and if dancing is one of them--he'll give it to you.