SAVE AsianFanfics & Fan related things posted on Internet [Urgent]

Credit: raerin


S A V E.

Please help support AFF so SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Acts) won't target our social sites & other same stuffs, if you don't want AFF & other websites to be banned, please sign in THIS & help support AFF. Remember, AFF could get banned if this gets passed. Re-post this and help spread the news as well.

We know that we can't stop some people who just loves to create trouble BUT the innocent ones shouldn't get dragged into this . I know most of you are authors, can you imagine all those sleepless nights..damn. 



Stop SOPA 2014.
Stop SOPA. SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Acts. In this case, all fanart will be deleted, all fan-pages, fanfics, fan made videos, etc. Please help stop SOPA. 



I am pretty sure anything that is posted on the Internet that would be considered copyrighted will be banned, like tumblr, live journal, anything that fans post that is 'copyright' so in this case AFF would likely be banned, This would really affect a lot of fandoms on the Internet. I just want to spread the awareness because this is very serious. I know I'd die without this site and all the sites of wonderful fandoms. PLEASE spread the news, post this on your tumblr, livejournal, twitter, Facebook, etc., to let others of various fandoms or people know about this.



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