So there is this guy...

Alright, I've been wanting to post this for the longest time and I know this doesn't concern any of you, but...

there is this guy...who sits by me in history class... I go to college FYI ... This class is a forum hall type of class so all the seats are arranged in rows and they rise like tiers...

I sit in the front and there is this guy who sits by me on the left... This is totally awkward... But he smells so good... Not the good where it's edible ... The good that you would imagine your kpop bias would smell like. 

Honestly, his appearance when it just comes to looks is average...he's quite cubby...but he's really neat and prestine and quiet and has small hand writing with female-ish literally soft looking hands...and I'm totally not checking the guy out.


I just wanted to rant and I've been noticing that the dude smells kpop idol status. The scent is soft, baby fresh, and just subtly floral, just very slightly. It's not a masculine smell so it makes me wonder...but I'm not going to assume. ^^ But literally, this is the type of smell I would usually describe for the characters that I write about...(totally baffled that HE would smell like that)

He's Filipino and seems very nice. We don't talk in class because the class is basically lecture for an hour and a half. We have no time to have discussions in class because the professor just lectures and we are taking down notes like crazy.

So yeah... That's it folks ^^


You guys can call me a creep now...

I'll be going...I have a paper due... Smh ..sad life of a college student.


okay bye love you all ^^


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lol i wish there was at least one person like that in any of my lecture classes...totally not jealous or anything... but damn your room sounds way cooler too. I just have a stupid flat carpet ground.

Hope you get to know him better one day and good luck on that paper! ^^
xD honestly, I find this kind of interesting. Maybe things will be more fun when you get a chance to talk to him, ^^.
#3 are totally not checking the guy out (: Go and say hi! Have fun in college!! ^^
now I want to smell him >.<
I hope you get the chance to talk to him one day :)
Palabra_viva #5
I creep by shipping people in my class, there were these two boys in my english class they dressed like rockers/emo like and they just looked good together so I would always be imagining different scenarios with them....
akaiberry #6
omg why do i keep on imagining kyungsoo when i read this post omg sorry for being so creepy