A Class Trip Love ♡ Hwang Sujin ♡ Friendly Love

Eyesmile-Jiyu  Jiyu  9-10
Student Identity
♡ Basic Profile
Full Name : Hwang Sujin
Nickname(s) : JinJin (the cute nickname her friends use)
Birthdate : 17/July
Age : 18
Class : 2A
Birthplace/Hometown : London/Seoul
Ethnicity : Full Korean
Faceclaim : Secret's Sunhwa
Back-up : Girl's Day Yura
Style : She likes to wear hats and sunglasses.
               S T Y L E
The Looks ♡
♡ Personal Self
Personality Traits : 
[Good] - Bright, Exuberant, Considerate, Hyperactive, Loving, Sweet & Intelligent
[Bad] - Blunt, Straightforward, Talkative, Impatient, & Stubborn
Personality : Sujin is a girl who is very blunt and straightforward. She would say the truth everytime you ask her. She doesn't lie and always tells people what she thinks but she has a kind heart and keeps the negative stuff in her mind. She doesn't want to say something bad or hurt anyone so sometimes she just keeps it inside. She only lies when she needs to. Sujin is very sensitive and may fight back the moment you bully her or make up a story about her that isn't true. "YAH!" would be the first word you will hear then she would send a death glare at you. She gets hurt or angry quickly because of her sensitivity. Sujin does whine a lot but people find it cute and not annoying at all. She is a very brave girl as well. She would scold those bullies who targets those innocent kids. She would be always there for the people she loves. Sujin is so considerate that she even gives food to a stray kitty outside their house once. She has a very pure and innocent aura that would make people smile. She always has that bright smile on her face and she likes to make people happy so she does small good deeds for people. However, Sujin is very impatient and you don't want to make her wait for a long time or she'll be sleeping beauty there when you get back. She will nag non-stop if you make her wait for a long period of time. Once she starts talking, she can't stop telling about her day or about episodes of dramas she watched especially when she's talking to her friends. Sujin won't be stopped with a single snap of your finger, you would have to get her attention or even worst, drag her all the way home. 
Sujin can fool anyone with her acting skills that she learned in dramas she watched. She once got money for her injury acting when she was bumped by a person. She can be a little tricky and exaggerating like that sometimes. Sujin likes "Detective Conan" and "Sherlock Holmes" so when people lose some of their stuff, Sujin would be extracting her magnifying glass and look around like a detective in a more dramatic way. She would notice a lot of things with her eyes and acts like Sherlock Holmes. It surely helps a lot of people even though some found it weird. Sujin would be using her English when she got enough of what the other person is saying and she would insult them in English. Sujin acts like a kid sometimes and stomp her feet when she's irritated or sulking. Sujin has a mirror-like personality. Treat her kindly, she'll be like an angel who is full of kindness. Treat her badly, then say hi to Sujin's fierce side. Sujin hates people who acts arrogantly and bad. It also depends on her mood, she becomes negative and mean especially when she's fatigued or irritated.
Background : Sujin is born in the city of London. Her Father received an opportunity to have a business in London. Of course, she was still inside her mommy's tummy that time. The married couple moved there to seize the opportunity given. London is really a beautiful place and her parents can't say no to this offer. Her Appa is a businessman and her Eomma is a housewife and a Chef. They were really happy when she was born. This is where Sujin grew up and eventually where she started learning about Sherlock Holmes and all the detective stuff she loves. Their family moved back to Seoul when she was nine years old. Sujin loved the places in Seoul and often took pictures like a professional photographer. 
Hobbies : 
~ Listening to Music
~ Shopping
~ Taking photos
~ Nail Art
~ Help people find their lost things
~ Eating snacks
~ Singing
Habbits : 
[Good] - Eyesmiling, Touching her hair, Singing/Dancing along to songs she loves, Tapping her lips while thinking, Puffing her cheeks, Pointing her index finger when someone got something right and Hitting someone lightly when being teased.
[Bad] - Biting her nails, Showing her fist to the person when angry and sending a glare and rolling her eyes.
Likes : 
~ Music
~ Fashion
~ Food
~ Makeup
~ Nail Art
~ Photography
~ Accesories
~ Sherlock Holmes
~ Detective Conan
~ Animes and mangas
~ Games
Dislikes  :
~ Smoke
~ Heat
~ Heels
~ Heights
~ Fire
~ Blood
~ Hospital
~ Bad people
Trivia : 
~ Sujin and Youngmin have been best-friends for eleven years.
~ Sujin always wears this necklace from her parents.
~ Sujin is scared of those large dogs.
~ Sujin learned to cook from her Mom.
~ Sujin and her Mom owns a flower shop and Youngmin helps her there.
~ This is their friendship bracelet.
~ Sujin likes to play with kids and take care of elders.
~ Sujin loves to eat Pepero or biscuits at break time.
~ Sujin can be calmed with a caramel or lemon candy that her Mom gives her.
~They would exchange notes while in class.
~ Youngmin and Sujin walks together to their schools.
Piece of Heart
Name : Jo Youngmin/Youngmin (Boyfriend)
Birthdate & Age : 24/04 & 18
Personality : Youngmin can be hyper sometimes. He is kind-hearted and a sweet person. He is also easy-going and fun to be with. Youngmin is humorous and may throw some funny jokes a lot but sometimes he fails miserably and that makes Sujin laugh more. He is out-going and also talkative like Sujin so they get along well. He is very emotional and may rage easily. He is always so involved when he does something he likes. He is really gentle and soft-spoken. Youngmin is thoughtful and likes to take care of Sujin.
How You Met : They met after Sujin and her family moved back to Seoul. He was the first person who Sujin talked to. He was her first ever korean friend. Sujin saw him one day when she was going to the new flower shop that they own. Youngmin liked the flowers and decided to come in the shop. Sujin thought that he was gonna buy and when he didn't, Sujin immediately screamed "Police!!!!! Eomma!!!" loudly and this totally shocked him so he tried to calm her down but as he went closer, Sujin got more scared. "Yah! Can't I just look at flowers? Is that bad?" Youngmin defended himself. Sujin's mother probably heard her screaming since it was located near their house so she panicked and went there. "Sujin-ah, what happened??!!!"  Her mother asked and so she saw Youngmin. He scratched the back of his head and bowed multiple times. "I'm sorry ahjumma! I was only gonna look at the flowers..." He explained and apologized. "Yah! Are you sure you're not a robber or something like that??? Ah jinjja..." Sujin was troubled about it. "Sujin-ah, just let him look at the flowers. He doesn't look like a bad guy..." Her mother said. This is how they became friends. Youngmin decided to help Sujin and her Eomma run the shop.
Interaction : The first time they met in the flower shop, they were already nagging... It didn't change that much and they nag lightly sometimes and bicker. Youngmin wants to always take care of Sujin and so he would walk her first to her school before going to his own. Sujin is very comfortable around him despite of the way they met. Sujin haves fun whenever they talk since they are both talkative. They would have automatic skinship a lot of times like Youngmin pinching her cheeks and Sujin poking him sometimes. Some people around often think that they are actually a couple and they look well together. Sujin started having feelings for him one of these days... 
Youngmin's friend and classmate started to like Sujin. He asked Youngmin if he can confess to Sujin and Youngmin nodded. The guy started to be always around Sujin and even tries to impress her more and more. Sujin was entertaining the guy and allowed him to court her.  At first, Youngmin would be supportive to his best-friend and will even leave them alone sometimes because he feels like he is just a distraction to them. Sujin is friendly with the guy but she never felt anything when she's with him. She didn't even blush when they are together. She started to feel uneasy and uncomfortable with that guy. Youngmin didn't disturb them and just decided to go somewhere else like Sujin and her Mom's flower shop. As he looks at all the flowers around him, he forgot that the most beautiful flower is not there. He imagined what Sujin and his friend might be doing at that exact time, he felt like he wants to run there and stop them. He felt so jealous for the first time and clenched his fist so tightly. He didn't knew why he felt like this. He just stopped himself and ignored it. He felt always sleepy and bored there without Sujin. Sujin's Mom would tell stories about Sujin's childhood in London and shows old photos of her. A sudden thought came up on Youngmin's head. He finally realized something missing in his life. It was his best-friend Sujin. The more he looked at the photos, the more he realized that he loves Sujin more than a best-friend. Sujin wanted to stop meeting the guy because she was not in the mood to do so anymore and she does not feel anything special towards him. For some reason she was sad and always frowning. Sujin's phone rang suddenly. She opened her bag, grabbed her phone and saw her background which is her selca with her best-friend Youngmin. Sujin didn't know why but she teared up when she saw it. Sujin realized that the reason why she was comfortable with the guy at first is because Youngmin was there with them. She finally knew why she was crying. Sujin loved Youngmin more than a best-friend as well. Sujin immediately ran to the flower shop and met Youngmin and her Mom there. When they saw each other, they hugged each other tightly and confessed at the same time which made them both laugh.
Back-up : Shin Jiho/Xero (Topp Dogg)
♡ School Life
Good at English
Bad at Math
Close friend Boomerang Love
Not so close friend Wild Love
Roomate(s) Pure Love & Boomerang Love
Persona The Mischievous Angel
layout coded by voltagebaby. Do not steal and claim without permission!
Scene Requests: Confession scene and Backhug scene.
Suggestion/Comments: x. Hi author-nim!!! I like the story a lot and also Voltage games so here am I! I worked very hard for this and I hope you like my application! Ne, Sujin imnida ^ - ^ HWAITING ON THE STORY!!!! I'll be a message away if you need suggestions and help! ^^




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