I want to die X(

i was walking to my school happily when my friends suddenly talking about someone who got a 'walking ' title from them and actually im a bit suspicious that it was me, but i just shrugged it off. my Friend 1 told me that she gave the title to her stupid crush then a few hours later she told me that it was my Friend 2 then lastly she told me that it was me and the Friend 2 and Friend 3 got that name for me. Im just keep quiet and many people said to me that friend 1 is the one who always talking behind my back, even calling me a pig. Then friend 1 began to distancing herself with me and she start to crave a painful mocking words with the scicssor on my school table. calling me a and a loser. and i thought that its true that she's the one who talking behind me. Then me and friend 2 and friend 3 starting to mae a joke: trying to poisoning her. but iit is just a JOKE. She report tthat to her mom and im called by my teacher. She told to friend 2 before that my mom and sister are talking about friend 3's broken home life to my teacher. But that's not true. my mom talks about doctor since my sisters are a doctors. my teacher explains that to friend 1 but you know what she says? she says "it's just a suspicion" but friend 2 tell me that friend 1 told her that it's true. then friend 1 ask to peace. then yeasterday headmaster call me, her mother too and her mother said "my does my daughter always blamed?" then i with my other two friends just shaking my head in a disbelief, how could such a human exist?


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Wafflez #1
Oh gosh smh. Tbh if I was in your situation right now, I'll kill Friend 1 u___u Stay away from Friend 1...