「 THE FIRST CLASS ♡ Seok Eunhwa

baekhyun: this is all for our private yearbook, im telling you. so you phesants better answer this shiznit honestly. you dont have to give me names (except for crush huehue), just describe the following. first pov only pleasus muchos grazie

zodiac sign: Leo bcs AWOO Lions are wolf's cousin (baek: shut up that's nonsense)

first love: shouldn't tell you this but that's the most cute Kim Minseok

first kiss: my first kiss was stolen from a cactus when I was 4. That's why my lips are so plump and y (baek: let me put some lipstick on you, // kai: shut up hyung. she IS me)

classroom crush: (baek: ill keep this a secret, dont worry huehuehue) my crush? OBVIOUSLY it's student's available-to-copy homeworks. OH BUT mrjoonmyeonisprettyhot

what you look for in a boyfriend: (baek: refrain from describing me, i know all of your ideal type is moi) (me: shut up. you're not my style) understands me well and not to mention gave me his homeworks for me to copy. I. don't. want.a.guy. that.have.exact.same.likings. to .me, please. Those guys who would never take me to ferris wheel, thanks

something you want your (future) boyfriend to do: buy me a cactus and swipe your credit card for me.  like seriously. give me something memorable in our anniversary,like, MEMORABLE

the perfect date: no ferris wheel. no basketball. no singing. no flowers. i wouldn't mind lying on the streets as long i'm not along, like.. who would?

- now, that wasn't so hard right. well done, pet, well done xoxo baek






name: Seok Eunhwa

~Laxy :: The meaning of her name [ EunHa is Galaxy, ara~]

~KkamEun :: Since she was Jongin's look-a-like, if Jongin got KkamJong, so does EunHwa [Laxy: I AM NOT TANNED // kai: shut up you're insulting me]

birthday & age: 08-08 because yeah for 88 & her age is 17.
 Osaka ,Japan
where she grew up in: moved to Korea after she was thirteen

-English : A piece of crap in every single english lesson because she normally skipped class and didn't know                            anything to say ( except I , Me, You , and basic words). Don't ask me how lame her grammar was

-Japanese: Now this is what she is good at. Living 13 years in Japan and didn't know how to say a word? Puh lease.                       That is SO NOT her style

-Korean : Of course, lol. She's quite fluent , but just not with tongue twisters and word plays

ulzzang& back up: Jo EunHee Gallery  || Kang SuRa Gallery (please make it EunHee >,<)


She dyed her hair like this {1} and never really mind the screaming teachers that asked her not to dye her hair because YOLO. Her hair is smooth and silky,long to her back even though sometimes she never managed to brush it to school. Looking at her at first sight would give some impression of a downright cool and tomboy-ish girl.She never uses make-up unless IT'S SO IMPORTANT. Rosy cheeks and pale and fair white skin is she and not to mention she was told that she looks like Kim Jongin


She normally wears her uniform with varsity jacket on the outside {2} , always. When she's out with her friends, let say: she'll wear some of those loose t-shirts or something that would state her as a real badass, like  . Beanie on her head is so her so she'll never go anywhere without them. Oversized sweaters and ripped-like pants are also her favorite.


personality traits:
(+) Loyal

(+) Butting on people's business is not to her liking : she tend to mind her own business and never bothered with other's unless she needs to.

(+)Charming in her own ways: her badass self and dorky styles attract people, and she never tried to look good in front of people and never be who she wasn't.

(+) Strong willed, Lion-hearted


(-) Stubborn and a brat


(-)never likes to obey the rules

(-)Does everything to her liking

(-)Bossy and careless 

- Your comment is irrelevant, okbye :: Laxy always stood on her opinion, when she said you're wrong, she would really defend her opinion and do everything her style. Arguing with her means endless chatter and usually ended up on you giving up instead of her. If there's someone who was smart enough to give her the evidence if she was wrong, Laxy would be speechless and tried to deny, ending up stomping her feet muttering curses like "Urgh, ." 

-I Don't have time :: She never really bother to clean her room. To her opinion, if she cleaned it, she would lost many things, Neat is absolutely not her style and she often got yelled by Suho because her room is like a jungle. She can really sleep with rubbish around her bed, but can't sleep after she removed that all. Her everything is messy, hairdo, room, love life, and not to mention her exam papers.

-Here Comes Trouble :: She was downright devilish girl that itches to disturb the tenant's peacefulness, especially Joonmyeon the roommate because he was totally helpless and would always let her slide if she messes with his room to dug for beanies to wear when she her beanies are still laundried. 

-Kawaii desune :: EunHwa can be such a sweetheart,too. When you get to know her better, she will open up to you and gve you her power : Aegyo. She was told that she was like Jongin, so she "often" used it for her advantage, because she knew that Joonmyeon and some of the "softie" guys would fall for it. But sometimes, she could be a real sweetie, not with some devilish purposes

-I wont lose to you :: She is a total competitive girl. She would always want to be the top one, the winner, and she would do anything to get people's recognition. Say, when she's gaming, she wouldn't stop playing until she won that one.

-Sarcasm is my daily bread :: She was blunt and care-free. If she doesn't like someone, she would be really really pissed by anything they did and gave them endless sarcsm they could never reply

-I am so helpful blabla :: She never wanted anyone to be bothered , and naturally would help them out even if they are msnly enough to say "no thanks' She was such a good-hearted girl, yet so sensitive and easily touched. She is the type of girl who would help the old grannys down the street to cross on the zebra cross. She had a heart-warnming personality and could always find a way to cheer people up when they were down (except the ones she bullied)



- She was told like Kim Jongin and became double troublemakers with him, 

- Type of girl who would wear a tanktop and shorts in a formal date

-NEVER EVER STEAL MY BOOKS! :: Die hard comicbooks and novels' fan .She lived in it. Don't mess with her books or you'll be dead in a minute

-Cactus die-hard fan? ::That's why you'll only see cactus in and outside her apartment

-NO HEIGHT FERRIS WHEEL JUSEYO :: Phobia of height because when she was young her fat cousin kept on shaking the ferris wheel they were in and to their surprise they were stuck on the middleway down.eventually made her cry and traumatized, until now

-I solemnly quotes.. ::Her sole motto is "YOLO i'm swag" and "You never know if you never try"

-Morning Nae Style Aniya :: Walking dead until 8 AM so she's not a morning person.

-Like those comicbook gurlss :: Tsundere AND THE OTHER GIRLS (from her old school before seungri) LIKES TSUNDERES right?! (chanyeol:i'm tsundere too,||kai:bull)

-she makes repetitive super annoying noises like tapping fingers on the table, hitting a pencil on the table when bored/after scolded

-Love the nature, man :: She was influented by her aunt and became a nature lover, she loves the color green and purple, even go extreme on making her bedroom "nature-ish" instead of chandeliers hanging on her room. Her room was messy though, it was told like it's like a jungle

-uh oh, Klutzilla is coming :: She was a total klutz. You would see her trips over air and run into walls, just don't be surprised, it happens a lot

-Help me with my hair? :: She can't tie her hair properly, and Eunhwa would always count on Suho to tie her hair before she went to college

-I'm not drunk! :: Her tolerance for alcohol is so high and she wouldn't get drunk even after drinking so many shots.

-I'm like fiona :: Like Fiona in Shrek, she really can't sing. It would make the glasses broke into pieces and birds blow.

-Tea Juseyo? :: She loves tea, especially Vanilla scented ones. Every morning she would be making one or two cups.

-No Balls :: She may looks like a basketball girl, but she really isn't! She can't even dribble the ball for two seconds without it being stolen

-I Don't Go By Oppa :: She doesn't like to address someone with "oppa" or "unnie"

-Flapped :: She used flap phone so that if she's pissed by someone over the line she would dramatically flap her phone close and be like "My phone is flapped closed just like you and me."

-Sit still,will 'ya? :: She can't sit still for more than thirty seconds

-Out Of Date :: She was the type of girl who would eat and drink the stuffs that was out of consumption date because she was broke 

-Beanies are My Style :: She loves beanies and collects them. When Eunhwa knew that Joonmyeon have some too, she sometimes borrowed it out from him without talking first.

-Thunder is not my style :: Eunhwa hates thunder and can't sleep during stormy nights

-U dont know if u dont try :: She was a scaredy cat when it came to horror movies, but she acts cool. Even though she can't sleep that very night

-Dye Dye~ :: She loves to dye her hair

-I'm sorry I have issues :: Eunhwa tends to use other people's things


school life: subjects she does well in, subjects she does not so good in, extracurricular activites (clubs, sports, etc) grades, and what a regular school day is like for her. also include her plans for college, whether she plans on getting to a good university, abroad, scholarship, or if she's going to stop for a while to work (or any, really lol). this can be in paragraph form or in bulletform

She joined drawing and arts as extracurricular activities and does her best in that kind of subjects. Dead crap on English and any subjects that involved countings in it. There's no day in school until a teacher screamed at her and ditched her out of class. She never sit still less than a minute and had a habit to copy homeworks from her bestfriends right before the teachers got in. Some teachers favoured/ scared at her because she was a dead rich girl.

As I said she never aces basketball tests, because she can't even dribble without getting the ball stolen less than two seconds. Since she was stated as a badass, girls spread fake rumours of her and: became her loyal fangirls. Just not with the boys, please. Bully as she pleases, but never crosses it's limitations  

family: siblings with other idols are fine but they wont be idols here obv. you may change their age, surname, and personality around. no oc's for siblings though.
relationship / name / age / occupation
— personality & interaction


Mom :: Seok MoonYoung (40) // CEO OG SEOK COMPANY = EunHwa's mother. She tends to push Eunhwa to do something she doesn't want to do and was a strict mother. She didn't really like EunHwa because in her pregnancy, she wanted her son to be a boy: not a girl. based on that too, she kept her in Osaka and she decided to adopt Myungsoo. EunHwa doesn't really like her mother

Dad :: Seok JoonSoo (45) = Eunhwa's dad. He was a nice and witty person, the owner of Seok Company. He loves his wife so much he would do anything to please her. That includes the adoption of Myungsoo, although he doesn't really approve on it. He cares for EunHwa and wants her to be herself, the dad EunHwa loves.

Brother :: Kim (Seok) Myungsoo (22) // Heir = He was EunHwa's protective older brother, charming and brilliant, unlike her. He longs to see Eunhwa, but never really does because she was too seperated from the family. Eunhwa likes Myungsoo too. 

friends, etc: your character will be bestfriends with the other characters so this is more like friends outside school, ex-boyfriends (she was in an exclusive all girls school so if she's ever had an ex-boyfriend, it'd be from a different school), crushes, neighbors, etc. same format as above.   


Jongin: Just friends. They are mischiveous alright. They acted like twins and definitely does everything naughty together. Was once her friend back in Japan, but he transferred to korea 3 years before she did

Jang Dongwoo (Best Friend)

dongwoo_gif_3_by_wonderfuday-d523pqj.giflarge.gifDongwoo%25252018.jpg<- idiocy

Dongwoo is Eunhwa's best-est friend. He had the most charming eyes (she said) and resembles a dinosaur (she said that too). They both first met in Eunhwa and her aunt's yoga class. He is a crazy dip- maniac, but EunHwa loves him tho. They hang out together and play jokes on each other, acting like total couple-maniacs. He could be super y at some times Eunhwa can't help but to squish him. People often misunderstood their relationship and thougt that they were dating; but they aren't(including sehun at first) [Suho: you guys are way too close! eunhwa: pshh nonesense]



— first choice: Joonmyeon
— second choice: Sehun and Luhan

relationship: dating, secretly dating, flirtationship, frenemies, bffs, enemies, friends only, etc.
— elaborate on their relationship here and how they interact with one another inside and outside the classroom, when they're with friends, and when they're alone with one another. paragraph form

Joonmyeon: [FRENEMIES] Just strangers until they both met. Joonmyeon was bullied by EunHwa every time. She would force Joonmyeon to give her his homework to copy. Outside the classroom, or in mall or something like that, if they met each other, they would mostly be like "who is he/she i don't know 'em,bye" or mostly, Joonmyeon would run away from her when she was about to say 'hi' .

When they're alone, say, they would be so quite and awkward. Joonmyeon was the school darling and in the contrary, EunHwa is the Devil and nightmare to all of the teachers. But Joonmyeon always ended up protecting her for her mistakes.

He always teases Eunhwa about her not being able to play basket and to sing, because he was there to witness her embarassing attempts to do both. Joonmyeon at first blackmailed her like; "stop bullying me or i'll tell everybody blablabla" and she would be like, "-it-i-dont-even-care-just-do-it" and you got me right, he never tried to leak it though. 

Sometimes they would exchange stares across the rooms and making faces at each other, mimicking something that only the could understand, teasing each other and sending telepathy full of mockery and jokes. He laughed at her jokes that even the most guy in the class that got the best humor sense didn't understand. Other than that, they threw paper planes and chat through the lesson, having him thinking about her and vice versa. 





(+)Cutie (He'll probably just deny it,though)


(+) Trustworthy

(-) stubborn

(-)Too soft

love line: from the first time you met, how you two warmed up to one another, how you got close, to how you two ended up where you two are now. be detailed about this. sky's the limit, preferably 2 paragraphs or more.

It first happened when the girls are with the OT12 doing some "hello" "what's u're name" etc.etc. but Eunhwa was gone to toilet and Joonmyeon's all dumbfounded without his lost glasses where he recalled putting in the bathroom.He then decided to search for it in the bathroom, but on his way there, he encountered Eunhwa, who he suspected as Jongin because heck, they look alike. He thought her hair was a wig and he pulled her hair hard that she screamed. It happens that she start hating on him, and she started to bully him.

One day he found out about her weaknesses (singing and basket,ofc) when he followed her skipping those classes. He then started to blackmail her, threatening that he'll leak it all out if she still bully him. But then when they are still unfamiliar to each other Eunhwa ran away from her house to Joonmyeon's place, because she was always not right to her family. Joonmyeon unable to say no, allowed her to live with him for only maximal two months. On that span of time, Eunhwa got closer to Joonmyeon by their liking of Beanies and Vanilla Tea. Joonmyeon started to like her as he found the soft side of all her tough outer appearance. 

Sometimes they even got drunk together and have dates. But Eunhwa never considered them as "dates" as the "dates" but as a hangout. After that, they got closer each passing day and did everything together, go everywhere together, and spark of love (baek: that's too cheesy,ew || me: goddamnit shut the up) starts to ignite (kris: here goes drama || suho :what's dat? || kris: go away don't read this




scene requests:  sky's the limit.
— start here.

-Eunhwa teaching Suho to prank on RaHee and Kris until they both got scolded by them

-Running around the classroom and ditched out from their class, running away to the rooftop then

-Eunhwa accidentally broke Suho's expensive watch and He gave her silent treatment until she painted him for an apoligise message.

suggestions/questions/comments: ohai o/ i hope you would choose mine(even though it's crap).Oh yes, even though if you would choose mine, please don't change the first option of ulzzang i gave because it matters on the opening scen where they met :)) thanks and i look forward to it! I give up on writing this odg odg good luck! *throws sehun to you*

this is the end: Oh Sehun 



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Oh hey! yeah I've applied as well! Good luck to you too! ^^ Honestly, I LOVE your character among the other Sehun's love interest apps...cause I think it fits the part and plus I believe your character and mine would be such great friends!!! XDDD